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I've been in theatres, yer honour, and played in pieces, and I've known the willain in the play get up a shindy like this. I knows they're on'y got up to 'arrow up the feelin's o' tender females; but I'm afeared as 'ow this Voltaire 'ev got somethin' in his head, a-concoctin' like." "Nonsense, Simon," I said.

"Well, I said after that 'ere willain experimented on me in Yorkshire, I never would again; but if it's for you, sur why, here goes; I'm purty tough. But how's it to be done?" Then I told him of my interview with the professor, and how he had told me that only he Simon could give the necessary help. "Let's off at once, yer honour," cried Simon.

"And why did you not tell Mr. Temple?" "Well, Mr. Blake, he didn't know anything 'bout her evenin' rambles wi' that 'ere hinfidel willain, and wasn't acquainted wi' the things that you and me hev talked about; besides, I thought as 'ow you wer the one that ought to know first of all." I thought long over Simon's words, but could not understand them.

Soon after, I see you with a bootiful young lady, and I see that hinfidel a-watchin' yer, with a snaky look in his eyes. And so I kep on watchin', and scuse me, yer honour, but I can guess as 'ow things be, and I'm fear'd as 'ow this waccination dodge is a trick o' this 'ere willain." "Explain yourself, Simon."

To squash the large brush into the little man's face, and thus effectually complete what his own recklessness had begun, was the work of an instant. As he did it, Miles assumed the role of the injured party, suiting his language to his condition. "What d'ee mean by that, you houtrageous willain?" he cried savagely, to the great amusement of the bystanders, who instantly formed a crowd round them.

Fust he hoed into massa's house an' shook hands with missis, also wid Missis Waroonga wot happined to be wid her, an' hims so frindly dat he nigh shookt de bonnit off her head. Den dey talk 'bout good many t'ings, an' after a while de cappin turn full on massa, an say, "`I's told Missr Zeppa dat you's got dat willain Rosco de pirit here.

"Well, that of itself is enough to endooce some blackguards to raise a fire, and likewise to get the shillin' for bringin' the first noose to the station; which, by the way, was the chief okipation of that willain Phil Sparks, I'm pretty sure. But here's 'ow it is. The swindlers I speak of, go an' take 'ouses the further from fire-stations the better.

"The lookout is usually good on board the Swash, and, just now, should certainly be as good as common. Spike is no dawdler with serious business before him." "He's a willain!" muttered Jack Tier. The mate regarded his companion with some surprise.

Perhaps she 'ad a few wire pins in her 'natomy; but no j'ints proper." "So you believe in this ghost?" "Can't help it, yer honour." "Simon, I don't. There's some deep-laid scheme on foot somewhere; and I think I can guess who's working it." Simon started. "You don't think that 'ere waccinatin', sumnamblifyin' willain 'ev got the thing in 'and?" I didn't speak, but looked keenly at him.

And there, master, right afore my own looking eyes, me and the baby was traded off to the captain! It was no use for me to 'splain or 'spostulate. I wasn't b'lieved. The willain as had stole me got back into the boat and went ashore, and I saw him get into the shay and drive away.