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According to the Minutes a resolution was adopted to regard "the constitution of the Ev. Luth. Church of Pennsylvania as their law." At the convention in Rheinbeck, 1797, Dr.

The king remained thoughtful for a moment, after which he asked: "Are you willing to take a few chances and risks yourself, in order to set free the people of Ev?" "Yes, indeed!" answered Ozma, eagerly. "Then," said the Nome King, "I will make you this offer: You shall go alone and unattended into my palace and examine carefully all that the rooms contain.

Young Si was none too soon. "Jump, Ev!" he shouted as his boat shot alongside. "Jump for your life!" He dragged Ethel Lennox in as he spoke. Agnes sprang from one boat to the other like a cat, and Little Ev jumped just as a thunderous crash seemed to burst above them and air and sky were filled with blue flame. The danger was past, for the squall had few difficulties for Si and Snuffy.

"What do you mean?" questioned Dorothy. "Why, the Prince had him in his pocket," cried Billina, cackling again. "I did not!" protested little Evring. "I only took the whistle." "Well, then, watch me," returned the hen, and reaching out a claw she touched the whistle and said "Ev." Swish! "Good afternoon," said the Tin Woodman, taking off his funnel cap and bowing to Dorothy and the Prince.

Dorothy decided to accept Ozma's invitation to return with her to the Land of Oz. There was no greater chance of her getting home from Ev than from Oz, and the little girl was anxious to see once more the country where she had encountered such wonderful adventures.

"With my claws," said the hen; "and I can speak the word 'Ev' as plainly as anyone. Also I must have the right to guess the enchantments of my friends, and to release them if I succeed." "Very well," said the King. "You have my promise." "Then," said Billina to the Scarecrow, "you may get the egg."

"She's waitin' fer you," he said at last. "She's up yonder in the garden, waitin'. She loves you, Mist' Steerin'. Don't you go fergit that, with y'all's pride an' all. She loves you." "What? What's that you are saying, Piney?" "She loves you. I know it, Mist' Steerin'. An' I'm a-tellin' ev' durn thing I know!" declared Piney vehemently, with a high-toned, stubborn self-justification in his voice.

Constitution of St. Michael's Church, Philadelphia, 1762. We, the subscribers, the lawfully called Pastors, Trustees, Elders, Vorsteher and communicant members of the Ger. Ev. Luth. Congregation of St. Michael's Church, acknowledge and bind ourselves to the following Church and School Constitution.

In accordance herewith we most publicly and solemnly desire, acknowledge and declare all the Rev. We furthermore promise to regard the Rev. College of Pastors of the Ev. College of Pastors will resolve, and properly indicate and make known to us.

And she asked curiously a moment later, "Why you do it is what gets me! Here's Marguerite going to get married, and Ev has an elegant job, and I want you to go south with me; you'd have a GRAND time!" She stopped on a complaining note, her eyes honestly puzzled. Julia closed the oven door upon some potatoes, and stood up. "I'm perfectly satisfied, Mama," said she briefly.