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As the boat pushed off and headed for the beach, Barker turned to Sir Reginald, and said "Well, Squire, from the look of things in general, I guess you're goin' to maroon me, eh? Well, this here island looks a durn sight purtier than the spot that you took me off of; I won't gainsay that. And are all these here things in the boat mine? What's this here a tent? You don't say!

And just between me and you, Al, any more night-ridin' that's done in this outfit ain't going to be done on cayuses that can be told a mile off on a dark night!" "You're durn tootin', dad." Al grinned while he moistened the edge of his rolled cigarette.

"Get into line, durn you!" shouted Joe; "an' I'll have something to say to you later, Zerubbabel Buntling." "O Lord!" muttered Lee to the other officers, most of whom were laughing. "And they expect us to beat regulars with such!" "Attention!" once more called Joe. "To the right face no I mean, shoulder firelocks first off. Now to the left face."

"Aw, Daddy, they was lucky. Umpire had hay-seed in his eyes! Robbed us! He couldn't see straight. We'll trim them down here Saturday." "No, you won't not without team work. Lane, you've got to have a manager." "Durn it! Where 're we goin' to get one?" Lane blurted out. "You can sign me. I can't play, but I know the game. Let me coach the boys." The idea seemed to strike Capt. Griffith favorably.

"All right, Jimmy. All right." After a moment Throng shook his head feebly and said, scarcely above a whisper: "But I be a durn fool when she's not here." Duc nodded and gave him more whisky and herbs. "My feet's cold," said the old man, and Duc wrapped a bearskin round his legs. For miles Pierre and Halby rode without a word.

Presently he exclaimed, “Gol durn his daguerrotype, what good did it do him to throw that sheep down the gulch? Reckon Le-loo and me could find a better grave for mutton chops than that canyon bottom. The mountains didn’t need the sheep an’ we did. But, I reckon it was his own sheep you killed, ’cause it had a porcupine collar same pattern as the trimmings of his shirt.”

Certainly those eyes met hers boldly rather than fearlessly. She extended her hand. He took it, and with an effort gave it the politician's squeeze the squeeze that makes Hiram Hanks and Bill Butts grin delightedly and say to each other: "B'gosh, he ain't lost his axe-handle grip yet, by a durn sight, has he? dog-gone him!" Madam Bowker did not wince, though she felt like it.

He had made this announcement without authority, and therefore he was not surprised, soon after the appearance of the issue containing the article, to see Allen's tall figure darken the door of the Kicker office while he sat at his desk. "Durn your hide!" cried the latter as he stood in the doorway; "you're the biggest disturber in seven states!"

"'It trickled still, the starting tear, When light a footstep struck her ear, And Snowdoun's graceful knight was near," he quoted gravely, his eyes brightening at my recognition. "Durn if I didn't begin ter think as how ye'd gone an' clar fergot me, Cap." "Not a bit of it, Jed," and I rode up to him and extended my hand. "But how came you here? Are you the guide?"

That's been my motto all my born days, and it ain't such durn bad philosophy at that. I wonder" the old man chuckled to himself "I wonder if the Sheruff et up most of that there gag before Bat let him loose?" Wade laughed out loud, and as though in response, an owl hooted somewhere in the timber to their right. "There's a durned old hoot owl," growled Santry.