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"Beggin' yer pardon," said Simon, "but this 'ere waccination business is awfully wearyin', and I should like to that is " "The very thing," I replied, anticipating his request. "You shall go with me." Half-an-hour later, we were at Gower Street, making preparations for our journey to Turin Simon calm and collected, I feverish and excited.

"Said he couldn't keep a servant as would be a livin' advertisement as 'ow his pet 'obby wer a failure. And so I allays say as 'ow waccination is my ruin. It's ruined my blood and weakened my brain. Still," continued Simon, with a sly look, "I reckon as 'ow I'll be a match for that 'ere doubly waccinated ghost as frightened me so." I could get nothing more from him.

"I daren't tell you, yer honour, for fear I'll make another mistake. I thowt, sur, as it would take a hangel with black wings to nick me like this 'ere, and now I've bin done by somebody; but it's the waccinatin', yer honour it's the waccination. In the Proverbs of Job we read, 'fool and his money soon parted, and so we can see 'ow true the teachin' is to-day." "But what is to be done, Simon?"

But here Voltaire entered the room and spoke to Tom Temple. "Simon," said Tom a second after, "what colour are the chestnut mare's eyes?" Simon heaved himself, struggled, looked vacant, and said dreamily, "They're loike women, and waccination, you you " But a film came over his eyes, and he was unconscious.

Simon declared that he "dar'n't go into the dining-room amo' the swells like; it would take away his appetite jist like waccination did;" but as I insisted, he gave way, and certainly did not draw any one's attention by his awkwardness. I had got him a perfectly fitting suit of clothes in Paris, in which he looked a respectable member of society.

Soon after, I see you with a bootiful young lady, and I see that hinfidel a-watchin' yer, with a snaky look in his eyes. And so I kep on watchin', and scuse me, yer honour, but I can guess as 'ow things be, and I'm fear'd as 'ow this waccination dodge is a trick o' this 'ere willain." "Explain yourself, Simon."