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"Oh, I know it's none of my business, but I don't like the principle. I like to see a man ACT like a man. I don't like to see him taken care of like a young lady. Now, I suppose that fellow belongs to two or three clubs, and hangs around 'em all day, lookin' out the window, I've seen 'em, instead of tryin' to hunt up something to do for an honest livin'."

"Brute. Doc. They ain't nobody as gentle as Dan!" "Till he tastes blood, a lion can be raised like a house-dog," answered the doctor. "Then she mustn't marry him? Ay, I've felt it jest what you've put in words. It's livin' death for Kate if she marries him! She's kept him here to-day.

The place here never was good for nothin'. The old gen'leman, uncle, you know, he wore hisself out tryin' to make a livin' off from it." There was an ostentatious sympathy and half-suppressed excitement from bad news which were quite lost upon us, and we did not linger to hear much more. It seemed to me as if I had known Mrs. Peet better than any one else had known her.

But you didn't say anything about your hope of salvation, nor the atonement, nor your being nothing through your own strength." "I couldn't say it if I didn't know about it," Sam replied. "All my troubles an' wrong doin's have come of not livin' right: so right livin' is all I've had time to think about an' study up." "You need to think about dying as well as living," said the deacon.

Jim exclaimed, suddenly, looking toward the valley swimming in a silver mist below us. "By Jiminy! it makes a man feel like livin', don't it?" I turned to look at him. He, too, seemed to have caught the infection. His shoulders had straightened, his nostrils were dilated like a deer's that sniffs some distant scent; his face was aglow.

"Yes, miss," said Lizzie, halting and speaking unexpectedly. "They was a time when these rooms wuz all filled. Old Mr. Barcolm" this being the name of Mrs. Nelson's great uncle "had a many children and grandchildren an' seemed like he was sot on 'em all livin' with him. But they got to quarrelin' and all left th' old man an' he was so mad he cut 'em all out o' his will.

"I just felt you did, and that's what give me courage. Oh, Kiddo, you've got to love me a little I've never been loved by a human soul in all my life. The first thing I remember was hidin' under a stoop from a brute who beat me every night. I ran away and slept in barrels and crawled into coal shutes till I was big enough to earn a livin' sellin' papers.

All right, then we won't trouble the Commodore. I notice you're lookin' over my quarters. What do you think of 'em?" Pearson had, in spite of himself, been glancing about the room. Its luxury and the evident signs of taste and wealth surprised him greatly. "Astonish you to find me livin' in a place like this, hey?" "Why, why, yes, it does, somewhat.

By the time I arrives the man has just unloaded two wardrobe trunks and a hat box. And in the livin' room I finds Auntie. "Eh?" says I, starin'. "Why, I I thought you was " "How cordial!" says Auntie. "Yes," says I, catchin' my breath quick. "Isn't it perfectly bully that you could come? We was afraid you'd be havin' such a good time in town that we couldn't "

"I think you judge them hastily, Miss Bessy," said North, secretly amused; "my aunt may not, at first, favorably impress strangers, yet she has many friends. But surely you do not object to my cousin Maria, the young lady?" "What! that dried cuttle-fish, with nothing livin' about her but her eyes?