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"He was more boy than man by a good deal yet," he observed. "Well, Labe, he's gone and I'm just beginnin' to realize how much of life for me has gone along with him. He'd been doin' better here in the office for the last two or three years, seemed to be catchin' on to business better. Didn't you think so, Labe?" "Sartin. Yes indeed. Fust-rate, fust-rate." "No, not first-rate.

As to catchin' either of them sharks, why, we haven't got no hook to catch 'em with. And, if we had, 'twouldn't be of no use to try; them fish ain't to be caught; they're astarn of us for a purpose; and there they'll stay until that purpose have come to pass. I've knowed this sort of thing to happen afore.

I'm bringin' down this plaguy rose-bush, and I'll take some catchin' if I slip with it." "'Who ran and caught him when he fell? 'His Bias," quoted Mrs Bosenna. "He has been doin' wonders up there, Captain Hunken. But if I were you a man of your weight "

"How many times I got to tell you I had a hard enough time catchin' this c'lection, day in and day out, from before daylight till after dark, and then fixin' 'em all up like this and everything! I don't prapose to waste 'em just to suit Noble Dill, and I'm not goin' to give 'em away either. If anybody wanted to buy 'em and offered a good fair price, money down, why, I "

He's mad 'cause I said he was a smuggler. He was a smuggler 'cause I saw him doin' it, an' I took him prisoner an' he got mad an' he's goin'. An' they're mad at me 'cause I took him prisoner. You'd think they'd be glad at me catchin' smugglers, but they're not," bitterly. "An' Mother says she'll tell you an' you'll be mad too an' " Mr. Brown raised his hand. "One minute, my son," he said.

He was studying electrical engineering." "Maybe it was catchin', at that," says I. "Where was all this?" "At the Co-ed," says Ruby. "But then I'd known Nelson before. He's from Naukeesha too." "Come again," says I. "From what?" "Naukeesha," repeats Ruby, just as if it was some common name like Patchogue or Hoboken. "Is that an island somewhere," says I, "or just a mixed drink?"

"Now," said Stalky at bedtime, making pilgrimage through the dormitories before the prefects came by, "now what have you got to say for yourselves? Foster, Carton, Finch, Longbridge, Marlin, Brett! I heard you chaps catchin' it from King he made hay of you an' all you could do was to wriggle an' grin an' say, 'Yes, sir, an' 'No, sir, an' 'O, sir, an' 'Please, sir'! You an' your resolution!

Joyce's uppermost anxiety was to avoid any betrayal of discomfiture, and she accordingly said in a loud and cheerful tone: "Och, and are you there, Andy? Jerry Dunne's wishful for the loan of a clockin' hin, so I'm about catchin' him the young white one to take home wid him." But, to her intense disgust, Jerry, who had followed her with his basket, said remonstrantly: "Whethen now, Mrs.

Can't marry a woman now-a-days till you're so deaf you have to cock your head like a parrot to hear what she says, and so longsighted you can't see what she looks like nearer than arm's-length. Here is another chance for you, I said. What do you want nicer than such a young lady as Iris? It's no use, he answered. I look at them girls and feel as the fellah did when he missed catchin' the trout.

"I've got him in another barn; that stuff's as catchin' as measles." "If The Dutchman were to get a touch of it, Porter would land the Derby with Lucretia, I fancy." "Or if they got it in their stable we'd be on Easy Street." "I suppose so. But Dixon's pretty sharp; he'll look out if he hears it's about. However, we've got to watch our own horse and let them do the same."