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I read in the papers 'tother day that America needed every man. Then you enlisted, Al, or you're goin' to enlist. It set me to thinkin' I'd try to enlist, too. For the duration of the war, eh? Yes, yes." "Good for you, Labe! Bully!" Laban held up a protesting hand. "Don't hurrah yet, Al," he said. "This ain't the first time I've tried it. I've swore off a dozen times in the last fifteen years.

The old woman stood ready to seize the bridle, and immediately unbridled the mare, and taking some water in her hand, from a stream that ran in the middle of the street, she threw it in the mare's face, uttering these words, 'Daughter, quit that strange shape, and re-assume thine own. The transformation was effected in a moment, and King Beder, who swooned as soon as he saw Queen Labe appear, would have fallen to the ground, if the old man had not caught him.

Don't forget you're a fo'mast hand yet awhile and the way for a fo'mast hand to get ahead is to obey orders. And don't," he added, with a quiet chuckle, "do any play-actin' or poetry-makin' when it's your watch on deck. Laban nor I ain't very strong for play-actin', are we, Labe?" Laban, to whom the reference was anything but clear, replied rather vaguely that he didn't know as he was, very.

The feeling of that happy region between the Alps and Lombardy, where there are many waters et tacitos sine labe lacus sine murmure rivos and where the last spurs of the mountains sink in undulations to the plain, has passed into this azure vista, just as all Umbria is suggested in a twilight background of young Raphael or Perugino.

"Well," doubtfully, "I may tell John later on. But I shall wait to tell him, I shan't write. He'll have to trust me, too." "So he will. Fur's that goes, it's a good thing for men folks to learn to trust us women. If Labe, my husband, hadn't trusted me all these years, he'd have done some worryin', I cal'late. All right, Gertie, I'm with you till the last plank sinks.

From without came the sound of running feet and a series of yells. "Labe! Labe!" shrieked Issy. "Oh, my crimus! . . . Labe!" He burst into the office, his eyes and mouth wide open and his hands waving wildly. "Labe! Labe!" he shouted again. "Have you heard it? Have you? It's true, too. He's alive! He's alive! He's alive!" Laban sprang from his stool. "Shut up, Is!" he commanded. "Shut up! Hold on!

"It's me, all right," he observed grimly. "Who the devil is this? That's what I want to know." Daniel turned to the captive. "Why why, Percy!" he gasped. "What what's happened to you? Let go of him, Labe Ginn! Percy Hungerford, what what's all this?" Mr. Hungerford, suddenly freed from the grasp upon his torn shirt collar, staggered against the wall. "It's it's a mistake," he panted.

The transformation was effected in a moment, and king Beder, who swooned as soon as he saw Queen Labe appear, would have fallen to the ground, if the old man had not hindered him.

Labe, who had chosen the holiday season to go on one of his periodical vacations, as rather white and shaky and even more silent than usual. Mr. Price, however, talked with his customary fluency and continuity, so there was no lack of conversation. Captain Zelotes was moved to comment. "Issy," he suggested gravely, looking up from a long column of figures, "did you ever play 'Door'?"

He tears up that paper with an air and grace only reached by long and intense practice and study. He is a little unpopular, but is a man of ability, and is often effective with a jury. The trouble is, his shadow is immense, and falls all about him on every thing, and he sees every thing through it." "That young, dark-eyed handsome man is Labe Sherman, admitted last year.