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Hearing these half-suppressed sounds of merriment, Philpot, who was working alone in a room close by, put his head out of the doorway. 'Wot's the game? he inquired in a low voice. 'Ole Crass ain't arf wild about Owen doin' that room, replied Harlow, and repeated the substance of Crass's remarks.

"I'd rather have my men killed in open fighting than demolished by all the heavy hardware on these two blocks." Raising his voice, Trent ordered: "Cease firing! Load magazines and hold your fire. We're going to charge!" From the sailormen a half-suppressed cheer arose. Hand-to-hand fighting was much more to their liking than tedious sharpshooting.

It has touched even puritanical and non-episcopal bodies, and it is sometimes combined with extremely latitudinarian opinions. There is, indeed, a type of mind which finds in such services a happy anodyne for half-suppressed doubt.

It was with no little surprise, therefore, that I suddenly heard her exclaim, in a voice of half-suppressed terror: "What is thou doing that for?" and turning round, I was startled to see on her usually placid face the look of a hunted animal. Touched with regret for what I had done, and yet unable to understand why it had moved her so deeply, I asked what was troubling her mind.

I took one of the oars, and, in less than twenty minutes, the Grace & Lucy, for so the boat was called, emerged from between two, high, steep banks, and entered on the broader bosom of the Hudson. Neb gave a half-suppressed, negro-like cry of exultation, as we shot out from our cover, and ascertained that there was a pleasant and fair breeze blowing.

If you were younger " She paused and looked at me slantwise. "Ingenuous, handsome, a fighting god !" I could have bitten out my tongue the moment I had spoken the words, and the dark look she shot at me as she flashed around gave a measure of her latent deviltry. "Jerry told you that!" she said in tones half-suppressed. "No." "He did." "No. But I know. I haven't watched for a month for nothing.

Shortly after the good canon had ended his peroration two tears rolled down his niece's rosy cheeks; before long were heard a few half-suppressed sighs, and gradually, as the swell and tumult of a sea that is beginning to be stormy rise higher and higher and become louder and louder, so the surge of Maria Remedios' grief rose and swelled, until it at last broke forth in a flood of tears.

When we reached the studio the servant said that Mr. Wilderspin was much indisposed that afternoon, and was also just getting ready to go to Paris, where he was to join Mr. Cyril in his studio; 'but perhaps he would see us, an announcement that brought a severe look to my mother's face, and another half-suppressed 'Haw, haw! from Sleaford's deep chest.

A coarse chuckle, a half-suppressed snort, assailed William's scarlet ear, and from the corner of his eye he caught a glimpse of Joe Bullitt gliding by, suffused; while over Joe's detested shoulder could be seen the adorable and piquant face of the One girl also suffused. "Doggone it!" William panted. "Oh, you mustn't be discouraged with yourself," said Miss Boke, genially.

She lef' de oders far behind, an' looked like nuffin so much as dat poor little blear-eyed monkey you shot de oder day, what Senhorina Manuela say was so nice to eat. What! you un'erstan' Ingliss?" added the negro, looking at the Indian girl, who had given vent to a half-suppressed giggle. "Yes leetil," replied Manuela, without attempting further to restrain her mirth.