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It was, however, intended for a pounce box, the pounce or pumice being a fine powder of the cuttle-fish bone, afterwards giving the name to the pounce paper or transparent tracing material.

The Sepia octopus was also in great repute, and Plautus, in his play of Cisina, introduces an old man who has just been purchasing some at the market. The love-potions alleged to have been administered were asserted to be chiefly composed of shell-fish, lobsters, sea hedge-hogs, spiced oysters, and cuttle-fish, the last of which was particularly famed for its stimulating qualities.

They have been found fifteen feet long, and as large round as a man's body. One can imagine that the Cuttle-Fish inhabiting such a shell must have been a formidable animal.

'But could you BEAR to have it swinging to your boat? Don't you want to destroy it at ONCE? 'Oh no, said Ursula. 'I don't want to destroy it. 'Well do you mind having it instead of the crabs? Are you sure you don't mind? Gudrun came forward to exchange lanterns. 'No, said Ursula, yielding up the crabs and receiving the cuttle-fish.

How does this look by the side of the last quotation from Darwin? Crabs or lobsters, cuttle-fish, jelly-fish, star-fish, oysters, snails, and worms lived contemporary with the first vertebrates. I have recently read an article in which it is said by an advocate of the Darwinian hypothesis, that man in his original condition was a cannibal, feasting, ordinarily, upon snails and worms.

Seaweed of strange varieties, and of every fantastic shape and texture, the round balls of fibrous grass, like gigantic thistledowns, which scurry before the light breeze, as though endued with life, the white oval shells of the cuttle-fish, and the shapeless hideous masses of dead medusæ, all lie about in extricable confusion on the sandy shores of the East Coast.

For a long time there was merely desultory conversation while the feast, restricted within moderate proportions by request of Pertinax, was brought on. There were eels, for which Daphne was famous; alphests and callichthys; pompilos, a purple fish, said to have been born from sea-foam at the birth of Aphrodite; boops and bedradones; gray mullet; cuttle-fish; tunny-fish and mussels.

These teeth are blunt, and are not used for biting or mastication, but merely to keep in the food which has entered its mouth. This food is chiefly the Squid or Sepia octopus, known also by the name of the cuttle-fish. In the South-Seas they are of enormous size, and, with their long feelers or arms growing out of their heads, are sufficiently strong to hold a man under the water and to kill him.

This cuttle-fish displayed its chameleon-like power both during the act of swimming and whilst remaining stationary at the bottom. I was much amused by the various arts to escape detection used by one individual, which seemed fully aware that I was watching it.

When food was brought in, no water was to be spilled on the doorstep. It would make the protecting god Tu angry, and cause him to go off. In another family he was incarnate in the domestic fowl, and if any of them ate a piece of fowl the consequence was delirium and death. In another family Moso was incarnate in the cuttle-fish, and none of them dared to eat one.