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It's goin' in and out of the cold and the heat and the damp that's so tryin'. He's been holdin' on as long as he could, but now he's ready enough to part with 'em, and if only he could get a good price it'd maybe take 'im to the hopen-air, and help to keep the 'ome together till he's well." "That sounds the wisest plan," observed Jack thoughtfully. "Yes, sir, but the point is the sellin' of 'em.

She's an oonsanctifeed brute. I cudna think o' sellin' her like this." "Ow ay! lat them; I dinna objec'; gien only they ken what she's like afore they buy her," rejoined Malcolm. The factor burst out laughing. To his judgment the youth had spoken like an idiot. "We'll not send you to sell," he said. "Stoat shall go with you, and you shall have nothing to do but hold the mare and your own tongue."

"I was so upset by their sellin' out so sudden like, when I thought they was as much fixtures here as the place itself, that I ain't had much time to think about these new folks." "As for me," continued Mrs. Swan, "I like them already. Being such a near neighbor, I have a chance to see a good deal of them. Their names are Garnet, and that pretty younger lady is the wife of their only son."

He's done a lot for this town that nobody else would ever have thought of doin'. Mr Skinner's a very public-spirited citizen, and to think he made it all out of sellin' meat! It must be a good business. I guess you'll have to excuse me now, Colonel Guthrie, I've got visitors down from Clarence." The Colonel's steps dragged as he walked home.

Yer never heerd nuthin' like thet 'bout Tim Kennedy, I reckon. Eat, sure yer know Jack Rale?" "Never heerd the name." "What, hell! never heerd o' Jack Rale! Ol' river man, half hoss, half alligator; uster tend bar in Saint Louee. He's up yere now, a sellin' forty-rod ter sojers. Cum up 'long with him frum Beardstown. Got a shack back yere, an' is a gittin' rich frien' o' mine.

Whatcha sellin', Wheatsnaps?" "Bring on the dames!" They pressed in close to the starship, running their hands over the slick metal surface. "Boy, what a prop! Bet it cost a million bucks. What ya sellin', mister?" "Sanity!" Boswellister shouted from the rear. His men tried to hold their ranks, but the crowd broke the lines, jerking the medals off their chests for souvenirs.

You knowed he 'uz arter me; en if you run off, 'stid o' stayin' here to he'p him, he'd know dey 'uz somethin' wrong 'bout dis business, en den he would inquire 'bout you, en dat would take him to yo' uncle, en yo' uncle would read de bill en see dat you be'n sellin' a free nigger down de river, en you know HIM, I reckon! He'd t'ar up de will en kick you outen de house.

If it comes to facin' a jury I'll take my chances, but how 'bout you? You, runnin' a town nuisance that the s'lectmen are talkin' of stoppin' already; sellin' rum by the drink when your license says it shan't be sold 'cept by the bottle. Where'll YOUR character land you on a charge of blackmail? "And another thing. The folks in this town knew John Baxter afore he was like what he's been lately.

And when I'd caught another train back to the right junction I got the pleasin' bulletin that the next for Quehassett is the theater train, that comes along somewhere about midnight. So there I was hung up in a rummy little commuter town where the chief industry is sellin' bungalow sites on the salt marsh.

"That, too, but mostly because Helene dressed him down for sellin' that locoed team to you. He's jealous." Even in his despair Wallie felt pleased that any one, especially Canby, should be jealous of him because of Helene Spenceley. "He aims to marry her," Pinkey added. "I wisht you could beat his time and win yerself a home somehow.