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'Yes, isn't it? said Jane, sympathetically; 'but how about a sunny southern shore, where there's nothing to do at all unless you want to. 'That's my billet, miss, replied the burglar. 'I never did care about work not like some people, always fussing about. 'Did you never like any sort of work? asked Anthea, severely. 'Lor', lumme, yes, he answered, 'gardening was my 'obby, so it was.

Our next-door neighbour had a kennel of homesick, discontented, and sleepless puppies of various breeds, that were in the habit of howling all night until Mrs. Bobby expostulated with Mrs. Gooch in my behalf. She told me that she found Mrs. Gooch very snorty, very snorty indeed, because the pups were an 'obby of her 'usbants; whereupon Mrs. Bobby responded that if Mrs.

"You've been committing bigamy," cried Mrs. Gimpson. "Over and over agin," assented Mr. Boxer, cheerfully. "It's got to be a 'obby with me." "Was the first wife alive when you married my daughter?" demanded Mrs. Gimpson. "Alive?" said Mr. Boxer. "O' course she was. She's alive now bless her."

"Said he couldn't keep a servant as would be a livin' advertisement as 'ow his pet 'obby wer a failure. And so I allays say as 'ow waccination is my ruin. It's ruined my blood and weakened my brain. Still," continued Simon, with a sly look, "I reckon as 'ow I'll be a match for that 'ere doubly waccinated ghost as frightened me so." I could get nothing more from him.

Gooch's 'usbant 'ad to 'ave an 'obby, it was a shame it 'ad to be 'owling pups to keep h'innocent people awake o' nights. The puppies were removed, but I almost felt guilty at finding fault with a dog in this country. It is a matter of constant surprise to me, and it always give me a warm glow in the region of the heart, to see the supremacy of the dog in England.

She had a perfect view of his thick red neck in its turndown collar, crossed by a black bow over a shiny white shirt. And, holding out her hand, she said: "How do you do, Mr. Wagge? It was kind of you to come." Mr. Wagge turned. His pug face wore a downcast expression. "I hope I see you well, ma'am. Pretty place you 'ave 'ere. I'm fond of flowers myself. They've always been my 'obby."

"If this lady cares to, she will wait till my return." "Yessur." Mr Napper dismissed Vincent and then turned to Mavis. "If I may say so, I can see by your face that you're fond of literature," he said. "I like reading." "Law and music is my 'obby, as you might say. The higher literature is my intellect." "Indeed!" "Let me lend you something to read while you're waiting." "You're very kind.

"You've been committing bigamy," cried Mrs. Gimpson. "Over and over agin," assented Mr. Boxer, cheerfully. "It's got to be a 'obby with me." "Was the first wife alive when you married my daughter?" demanded Mrs. Gimpson. "Alive?" said Mr. Boxer. "O' course she was. She's alive now bless her."

"It's some few years ago now; I'd shipped on his barque, the John Elliott, as slow-going an old tub as ever I was aboard of, when I wasn't in quite a fit an' proper state to know what I was doing, an' I hadn't been in her two days afore I found out his 'obby through overhearing a few remarks made by the second mate, who came up from dinner in a hurry to make 'em.

Ansig then placed a spear at the child's right side at a point below the right arm and above the margin of the ribs. This lance was grasped by the widows Addy and Obby, who at a signal from Ansig forced it through the child's body, it coming out at the other side.