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This courage, too, had became more courageous, this hope more hopeful on the approach of the barque; for, they believed she would take them on board and restore them by and by to their friends, advancing so gallantly as she did towards them, like an angel, so Dick thought. But, now! What were the calamities which they so recently bewailed in comparison with the present?

This worrying about, and of each other has proven destructive of much domestic happiness, and has wrecked many a marital barque, that started out with sails set, fair wind, and excellent prospects. Don't worry about each other help each other by the loving sympathy that soothes and comforts.

He got me a barque, the 'Swanhilda. She'll dock day after to-morrow, and begin loading." "Hadn't I better take a run up," observed the superintendent, "and keep an eye on things?" "No," answered S. Behrman, "I want you to stop down here, and see that those carpenters hustle the work in the ranch house. Derrick will be out by then. You see this deal is peculiar.

When she was full I sent her back to the barque, and then Allardyce and I, with the carpenter and one seaman, shifted the striped box, which was the only thing left, to our boat, and lowered it over, balancing it upon the two middle thwarts, for it was so heavy that it would have given the boat a dangerous tilt had we placed it at either end.

In the first place, if the barque happened to be British of which, however, I had my doubts I might make her skipper acquainted with all the circumstances relating to the brig's seizure, and appeal to him to compel the Irishman and his gang by force, if necessary to surrender Miss Onslow and myself.

"But, hang it all!" exclaimed Lingard "Abdulla is British!" "Abdulla wasn't there at all did not go on shore that day. Yet Ali, who has his wits about him, noticed that the space where the crowd stood was under the guns of the Lord of the Isles. They had put a coir warp ashore, and gave the barque a cant in the current, so as to bring the broadside to bear on the flagstaff. Clever! Eh?

"Becase," he replied, "the chaps aboard the barque don't seem to be able to undershtand a worrud we say to thim; and bedad we're in the same fix with regar-rd to thim. So we want an interpreter; and maybe you'll be able to act that same for us." "Very well," said I; "what do you want me to do?"

Moreover, she had concentrated all her affections on her husband; she had lived so entirely for him, and in him, that she had not formed any of those intimate friendships in which some women delight. She had, in short, put all her earthly happiness in one frail barque, and it had foundered.

I had took to the mizzen rigging, and was about ten feet above the level of the rail when that sea came aboard, and I tell you, sir what I'm saying is the petrified truth for half a minute that barque was so completely buried that there wasn't an inch of her hull to be seen, from stem to starn; nothing but her three masts standing up out of a boiling smother of foam.

Dacre then took charge of the ship in person, conning her from the weather mizen rigging, and sending Murgatroyd for'ard with instructions to clear away the towing-hawser, and to fit it with a traveller, bosun's chair, and hauling-lines, blocks, etcetera, all ready for sending the end aboard the barque when communication should have been established with her.