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The eloquence of the universally beloved Jankiel touched the hearts of his hearers; there arose cries and exclamations of joy; the murmur of approbation was even spreading beyond the house, when Gerwazy aimed his penknife at Jankiel. The Jew jumped down and disappeared in the crowd; the Warden shouted:— “Begone, Jew, don’t stick your fingers into the door; this is not your business!

That’s how it is I’ve kept away from you. But in the end I have learned to respect you. The little man stands firm, I thought. Though I am laughing, I am serious. You do stand firm, don’t you? I like people who are firm like that whatever it is they stand by, even if they are such little fellows as you. Your expectant eyes ceased to annoy me, I grew fond of them in the end, those expectant eyes.

We have had enough of talk; there has been no lack of sorrow and enough of error. We can no longer act differently, and therefore we dare not act differently any longer.” “Be still,” whispered Eleanore, “I don’t like your wrangling; what you say is so unpeaceful and fiendish. Yesterday I dreamed that you were lying on your knees and had your folded hands uplifted. Then I loved youvery much.”

And didn’t he tap the ground with his forehead, too!” “You speak of Father Zossima?” “Yes, of Father Zossima.” “Tapped the ground?” “Ah, an irreverent expression! Well, what of it? Anyway, what does that vision mean?” “I don’t know what it means, Misha.” “I knew he wouldn’t explain it to you! There’s nothing wonderful about it, of course, only the usual holy mummery.

Cartlitch, of Astley’s Amphitheatre, in his most pathetic passages, could look more crestfallen, and howl more hideously, than Diabolus did now. “Take another year, Gambouge,” screamed he; “two more ten more a century; roast me on Lawrence’s gridiron, boil me in holy water, but don’t ask that: don’t, don’t bid me live with Mrs. Gambouge!”

‘It’s very true, as you say, sir,’ Mr. Bung commenced, ‘that a broker’s man’s is not a life to be envied; and in course you know as well as I do, though you don’t say it, that people hate and scout ’em because they’re the ministers of wretchedness, like, to poor people. But what could I do, sir?

"’The de’il when sick, a saint would be, But when he got well, the de’il a saint was he.’" "Don’t, husband," said Mrs. Middleton; "perhaps she will never come back alive, and then you will be sorry." Uncle Joshua readily guessed his wife’s meaning, and turning to Luce, said, "Rout out the whole gang and set ’em to huntin’."

On the other hand, at the risk of being tedious, I must repeat that the most essential thing in Marriage is respect. It is above love, above compatibility, above even the priceless sense of humour. Respect will hold the tottering edifice of matrimony together when passion is dead and even love has faded. Respect will make even the ‘appalling intimacy’ endurable, and will bring one through the most trying disagreements, with no bruise on the soul, whatever wounds there may be in the heart. Therefore, Bride and Bridegroom, cultivate respect between you at all costs and, men and women, never never marry anyone you don’t really respect, however passionately you may love. I

Never learned when a boy.” “Will your horse carry double?” asked Calhoun. “No, he is a poor swimmer, he would drown us both.” “Latham, I am afraid I shall have to shoot you. I don’t see any other way to get rid of you.” Latham thought a moment, and said: “Let me ride the horse across and you swim.” “A brilliant idea, declined with thanks.”

I tell you he is jealous now on purpose. Am I blind? Don’t I see? He began talking to me just now of that woman, of Katerina, saying she was this and that, how she had ordered a doctor from Moscow for him, to try and save him; how she had ordered the best counsel, the most learned one, too. So he loves her, if he’ll praise her to my face, more shame to him!