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The general feeling among the intimates of the deceased was expressed by Davit when he said: "It may do the crittur nae guid i' the tail o' the day, but he paid for's bit o' ground, an' he's in's richt to occupy it." The custom was to push the coffin on to the wall up a plank, and then let it drop less carefully into the cemetery.

She was looking at him woefully, and entreaty was on her face; all at once he felt what a lonely little crittur she was, and, in a burst of manhood, "But, dinna prig wi' me to go with you," he said, struggling. "I have not!" she answered, panting, and she had not in words, but the mute appeal was still on her face. "Grizel," he cried, "I'll come!"

"You are going to see an angel, Sir John." "How! Do you know anything of Miss Etherington?" "I should be as blind as an old bumboat else. During our late v'y'ge, I saw her often." "This is strange! But there is evidently something on your mind, my friend; speak freely." "Well, then, Sir John, talk of anything but of our v'y'ge, to the dear crittur.

I some think that they've left the valley; though the Lord only can tell when they'll be back ag'in. Such critturs be beyond calcilation! They outdo arithmetic, nohow. As for the cow, I milked her myself; for being the crittur the captain has given to Phoebe for her little dairy, I thought it might hurt her not to be attended to.

'Tan't that you care one bit more, or have a bit more feelin' it's clean, sheer, dog meanness, wanting to cheat the devil and save your own skin; don't I see through it? And your 'gettin' religion, as you call it, arter all, is too p'isin mean for any crittur; run up a bill with the devil all your life, and then sneak out when pay time comes! Bob!"

I 'spects I's the wickedest crittur in the world. Then she would turn a somersault, and come up bright and smiling, evidently quite pleased with herself. Two or three years passed. Uncle Tom was still with Mr. St. Clare, far away from his home. He was not really unhappy. But always in his heart was the aching longing to see his dear ones again. Now he began to have a new sorrow.

It's curious, but it's a fact. A colonist is the most beautiful crittur in natur to try experiments on, you ever see; for he is so simple and good-natured he don't know no better; and so weak, he couldn't help himself if he did. There's great fun in making these experiments, too. It puts me in mind of "Gander Pulling;" you know what this is, don't you? "'No, he said. 'I never heard of it.

The crittur was so busy with her work that she looked as if, though the last trumpet had blawn, she would just have cried, 'I canna come till my ironing's done! Ay, I went ben without a word." But best of all was to see Grizel "redding up" on a Saturday afternoon. Where were Tommy and Elspeth then?

'Na, Mary, my lass, I would hae said, 'this winna do; na, na, ye're a bonny body, but ye maun mind 'at man's the superior; ay, man's the lord o' creation, an' so ye maun juist sing sma'. That's hoo I would hae managed Mary, the speerity crittur 'at she was." "Ye would hae haen yer wark cut oot for ye, Tammas."

"Wot a cross-grained crittur ye are," said Rokens, as he rose to depart. At that moment there was heard a cry that sent the blood tingling to the extremities of every one on board the Red Eric. "Thar she blows! thar she blows!" shouted the man in the crow's-nest.