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"Yas, thar's more or less truth in them words o' yours, b'yee consider'bly more o' less than less o' more. He ken't go back now, nohow we kin fix et. He's a right peart sort o' a kid, an' I think ef we was ter guv him a job, or talk reeson'ble ter him, thet he'd consent to do the squar' thing by us." Redburn frowned.

"Well, Bobby, my boy," said the consul kindly, for the eccentric interpreter was a favourite, "you seem sad. Nothing wrong, I hope?" "Not wi' me, nohow," responded Bobi, shaking his head. "Nuffin never wrong wi' me. Always too well. Health to the mast-head more nor I knows wat to do wid. Wishes I could die, I do sometimes."

Wall with his paper. "Shucks!" said Tim. "He may have it all mixed up. Look at Andy." The assistant patrol leader of the Wolves was now running toward the Scoutmaster. Two minutes later the Eagle scout came forward reluctantly. "It's fierce," he said in disgust. "It doesn't make sense nohow." The message had been, "A hundred men searched the hills for the Indian."

Just wait till he gits close enough. I ain't to be deceived by my own sow's dead skin, with a great big Osage in it, nohow you can fix it." Sneak's conjecture was right. The Indian that Joe had killed was a chief, and the apparent sow was nothing more than a savage enveloped in a swine's skin.

They looked to where the young bank employee pointed, and saw the old colored man, seated on the seat of his ramshackle wagon, doing his best to pull down to a walk the big galloping mule, which was dragging the vehicle around in a circle. "Whoa, dere!" Eradicate was shouting, as he pulled on the lines. "Whoa, dere! Dat's jest laik yo', Boomerang, t' run when dere ain't no call fo' it, nohow!

"Yes, that is correct," said Mr. Quest again. "Well, sir, the fact is that the Squire can't git the money. It can't be had nohow. Nobody won't take the land as security. It might be so much water for all folk to look at it." "Quite so. Land is in very bad odour as security now." "And that being so, sir, what is to be done?" Mr. Quest shrugged his shoulders. "I do not know.

"But it's a good half mile from our house to the spring," Tip said, "and who'll carry the water?" "Earl and Pearl and Alice Eliza," I replied. "They've always done it; why worry now?" "Well, I don't care nohow," Tip cried, stamping the floor. "I want to go back to Black Log." "So do I, Tip," I said; "but there's that bad spot on my head again."

He displayed a sheet of paper covered with much writing and decorated with a large seal. Yancy viewed this formidable document with respect, but did not offer to take it. "Read it," he said mildly. Balaam scratched his head. "I don't know that hit's my duty to do that, Bob. Hit's my duty to serve it on to you. But I can tell you what's into hit, leavin' out the law which don't matter nohow."

But as they got near the keep, the stepmother felt by her magic power that something was being wrought against her, so she summoned her familiar imps and said: "Childe Wynd is coming over the seas; he must never land. Raise storms, or bore the hull, but nohow must he touch shore."

'You chop, and I'll scoop, for a start. Now I guess you hain't been used to this sort of thing, when you was to hum? You needn't hardly tell, for white hands like yourn there ain't o' much use nohow in the bush. You must come down a peg, I reckon, and let 'em blacken like other folks, and grow kinder hard, afore they'll take to the axe properly. How many acres do you intend to clear this winter?