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Mitch Storey, the lean colored kid with the passion for all plant life, and the specific urge to get somehow out to Mars, was also moving to help Gimp into the Archer. Gimp waved them off angrily, but they valeted for him, anyhow. "Shucks, Gimp," Storey soothed. "Anybody needs assistance the first time..." They got his good leg, and what there was of the other, into the boots.

But nobody invited Sister to join the party. The orphan looked wistfully after the wagon as Hiram drove out of the yard. Then she turned, with trembling lip, to Mother Atterson: "She she's awfully pretty," she said, "and Hiram likes her. But she they're all proud, and I guess they don't think much of folks like us, after all." "Shucks, Sister! we're just good as they be, every bit," returned Mrs.

Guess one o' them nasty zippin' bullets must a creased my ear, and fetched the juice a little. Shucks! nothin' to bother about I'd say." He took his old red bandanna and dabbed at his right ear with many a grunt as well as chuckle.

On this occasion the dog repeated so unmistakably former overtures of friendship that Wade gave him close scrutiny. He was neither young nor comely nor thoroughbred, but there was something in his intelligent eyes that struck the hunter significantly. "Say, maybe I overlooked somethin'? But there's been a heap of dogs round here an' you're no great shucks for looks.

"Only one more word, anyway," was the rejoinder. He was still holding his boot. "What is it?" "Why" the voice was solemn "it's 'Amen." "Aw, shucks!" came from the depths of the blanket. The lean man turned his head. "Say, you!" he rasped, belligerently. "What?" For answer the boot sailed across the camp.

It was not long, however, until the players left their game, to gather once more about the engine. Lem Wheeler approached Young Matt with a serious air; "Look a here," he said; "we all want t' see you try that lift." "I ain't got no time for foolin'," replied the young man; "Dad's just pushin' to get done before dark." "Shucks!" retorted the other; "Hit won't take a minute t' try.

Stephen replied that he had. But Mammy showed no inclination to go, and he was too polite to shut the door: "How you like Glencoe, Mistah Bride?" He was charmed with it. "We has some of de fust fam'lies out heah in de summer," said she. "But de Colonel, he a'n't much on a gran' place laik in Kaintuck. Shucks, no, suh, dis ain't much of a 'stablishment!

"And they say the Lorrigans are a tough outfit!" he laughed, when he had overtaken Tom. "Dad, you've got the bunch trained like soldiers. I was more afraid our boys would rough things up than I was worried over the stews." "Shucks! When we rough things up, it's when we want it rough. Al, he was kinda excited.

It's a good deal like that in Wall Street; there's killings made, but the big fellers with the signs on their back don't worry none." "You're right, Uncle Peter. It certainly wasn't my game. Will you come down with me?" "Me? Shucks, no! I'm jest a poor, broken old man, now. I'm goin' down to the square if I can walk that fur, and set on a bench in the sun."

"Oh, shucks!" said Jud, embarrassed by such praise. "There's lots of us I don't think we've done so awful well. But it does look kind of nice, don't it?" "It's going to be a beautiful house," said Mrs. Pratt. "And to think of what the place looked like yesterday! Well, Jud Harkness, I haven't any words to tell you what I really think, and that's all there is to it!"