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By the kindness of three of the best manufacturers of power sewing machinery, I am enabled to show to you, this evening, the best known systems, arranged just as they are fitted in many large factories, as also a sketch of the arrangements of Wheeler & Wilson's system. We have in the first place a light shafting carrying a band wheel opposite to each machine.

Laurencine. But she has a sister named Lois. What do you know about her?" Lucas spoke challengingly, as if George had trespassed on preserves sacred to himself alone. He had not yet admitted that it was merely Mrs. John Orgreave who had put him in the way of Irene Wheeler.

"Forsaking all others, so long as we both shall live," he said, unsteadily. "So long as we both shall live," she repeated. However she had to take it off later, for Mrs. Wheeler, it developed, had very pronounced ideas of engagement rings. They were put on the day the notices were sent to the newspapers, and not before.

Everett P. Wheeler, a New York lawyer, president of a so-called American Constitutional League, formerly the Men's Anti-Suffrage Association, came and formed a branch composed of men prominent politically, who used every means known to influence legislation; sent speakers into the districts of friendly legislators, promised rewards, used threats, and charges of bribery were so insistent that Judge D. B. DeBow ordered a grand jury investigation.

"Won't you tell him that I'd like a talk with him?" he asked. The man laughed. "Guess that's not going to bring him. It will be daylight, any way, before he lets up. You'll have to go right in." Wheeler dropped cautiously upon a slippery staging, across which the water flowed, and, crawling into the heading, with a blinking light in his eyes, fell into a sled that was loaded with broken rock.

'Art values. I have it," said Wheeler. Eugene smiled. He liked her vivacity. "I know what you mean," she added. "I've felt the same thing about Paris. You go into little unpretentious places there and come across such wonderful things heaps and heaps of fine clothes, antiques, jewels. Where was it I read such an interesting article about that?" "Not in Craft I hope?" ventured Wheeler.

"If you're going to have a share in planting and working three gardens I don't see why you can't keep sufficiently ahead of the children to be able to show them what to do. We'd be glad to have your help," and Mr. Wheeler shook hands cordially with his new assistant. Roger was not the only member of his family interested in the new plan.

""Well," says the reb, as he shoves his feet deep in the stirrups, an' settles in his saddle like he's goin' to make some time; "well, he's a ragin' an' onfettered maverick, named Wheeler; an' from the way he goes skallyhootin' 'round, he's goin' to get us all killed or captured before ever we gets back, an' I don't want no chil'en on my hands."

The cooler and matured judgments of men who knew Webster personally Foote, Stephens, Wilson, Seward, and Whittier, in the last century; Hoar, Hale, Fisher, Hosmer, and Wheeler in recent years-modify their partizan political judgments of 1850.

"Now, now," he said, his voice hardening but trying to maintain a chiding note; "you know what you promised after the chinchilla no more this year until " "No, no; for God's sake, not that! It's still about Gerald." "Well?" "Wheeler, he's only got four weeks to live. Five at the outside." "Now, now, girl; we've been all over that." "He loves me, Wheeler, Gerald does." "Yes?" dryly.