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"What have you been doing while I've been under water, Ned?" asked the young inventor. "Oh, the same old thing. Running errands and doing all sorts of work in the bank." Tom had a sudden idea. He whispered to his father and Mr. Swift nodded. A little later he was closeted with Mr. Prendergast, the bank president. It was not long before Ned and Tom were called in.

Cowan, of Pennsylvania, the following resolution was adopted by the Senate: Resolved, That the President of the United States be, and he is hereby requested to furnish the Senate information of the state of that portion of the Union lately in rebellion; whether the rebellion has been suppressed and the United States put again in possession of the States in which it existed; whether the United States courts are restored, post offices re-established and the revenue collected; and also whether the people of those States have reorganized their State governments, and whether they are yielding obedience to the laws and Government of the United States.

On the 1st January, 1685, while going in our canoes from Tomaco to Gallo, we took a packet of letters in a Spanish boat bound from Panama to Lima, by which the president of Panama wrote to hasten the Plate fleet from Lima, as the armada from Spain had arrived in Porto Bello.

The Whig party die! Then, Mr. President, where shall I go?" Some years before, I heard Wendell Phillips allude to the above speech in his celebrated lecture upon Daniel O'Connell. He said, when the startling words, "Then, Mr.

The President contemplated with a degree of pleasure seldom felt at the resignation of power, his approaching retirement to the delightful scenes of domestic and rural life. It was impossible to be absolutely insensible to the bitter invectives, and malignant calumnies of which he had long been the object.

The CHAIRMAN. Before that letter is read, you did not see the President and had no knowledge of his attitude in regard to your report? Mr. BULLITT. None whatever, except as it was reported to me by Col. House. Col.

WHAT patriotic purpose is to be accomplished by this Expunging resolution? What new honor or fresh laurels will it win for our common country? Is the power of the Senate so vast that it ought to be circumscribed, and that of the President so restricted that it ought to be extended? What power has the Senate? None, separately.

His devotion to the cause of civil service reform recommended him to the friendship of the President and to the enmity of the political leaders.

The subject appears to have been suggested by Mr. Adams, the vice-president; and on the twenty-third of April the senate appointed Richard Henry Lee, Ralph Izard, and Tristram Dalton, a committee "to consider and report what style or titles it will be proper to annex to the offices of president and vice-president of the United States."

"I don't fancy this pass business," said the President, good- naturedly, but the metropolitan practicians could not refrain from applying for them. The evening of February 5th, 1862, found the court-yard of the White House filled with carriages and ambulances bringing "fair women and brave men." The President and Mrs.