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This, from past experience, I know you can submit to; and if the lovely partner of your happiness will consent to participate with us in such rural entertainment and amusements, I can undertake, in behalf of Mrs. Washington, that she will do everything in her power to make Virginia agreeable to the Marchioness.

When not thus engaged he is prone to take a cruise to a certain rural district in the south of England, where he finds congenial company in two very tall, erect, moustached, dignified gentlemen, who have a tendency to keep step as they walk, one of whom has lost his left hand, and who dwell in two farm-houses close together.

"Honest, now," said the bartender, kicking the valise to one side. "You don't think I'd fall to that, do you? Anybody can see he ain't no jay. One of McAdoo's come-on squad, I guess. He's a shine if he made himself up. There ain't no parts of the country now where they dress like that since they run rural free delivery to Providence, Rhode Island.

The number of freemen, reduced to poverty, or of recent freedmen freed by the emancipation everywhere set on foot and encouraged by the Church extended the spread of communes even to the rural districts. Thus, many villages or small towns grew into corporations, and a social state arose, hitherto totally unknown in Europe.

The area of that was perfectly beautiful, every unsightly object having been removed, while the fences and the tillage were faultlessly neat and regular. Care had been taken, too, to render the few small fields around the cabins which skirted this lovely rural scene, worthy of their vicinage.

Just think of those two country girls appearing in a five-reel film like 'A Rural Beauty." "Well, for goodness' sake, Bess Harley!" cried Nan, astonished, "have you been bitten by that bug?" "Don't call it 'bug' that sounds so common," objected Bess. "Call it 'bacilli of the motion picture. It must be great," she added emphatically, "to see yourself acting on the screen!"

Means of Communication in Rural Districts Importance and status of rural communication. 2. Farmers' Organizations Value of. 2. Difficulties in organizing. 3. Forms that organizations may take. 4. History and work of farmers' organizations in the United States. 5. General deductions from study of farmers' organizations. Rural Education Distinction between rural and agricultural education. 2.

On one occasion the writer attracted many birds by the simple method of providing them with finely pounded fresh beef bones. Furnishing birds with food in winter might well be made a pleasant and profitable duty of the children who attend Sunday-school in rural churches that have graveyards near. Why should we not make a bird sanctuary of every city park and cemetery in America?

The population was sparse, and widely separated in all the rural districts of the country; and to have supplied all with the means of education, would have necessitated an expense beyond the power of the State.

We also find Mannhardt, in 1877, starting from the known legend and rural survival in phrase and custom and so advancing to the unknown the name Demeter. The philologists commence with the unknown, the old name, Demeter Erinnys, explain it to taste, and bring the legend into harmony with their explanation. I cannot say, then, that I share Mr. Max Muller's impression.