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And that's the school-master's name. And that's why he's in such a fume when the boys cheat at marbles. Well, did I ever!" Linnet ran in to exchange her afternoon dress for a short, dark calico, and to put on her old shoes before she went into the barnyard to milk Bess and Brindle and Beauty.

"As if you could have them if you did!" fired back Bess in that tantalizing way that only sisters understand, only sisters enjoy, and only sisters know how to operate successfully. "Peace! peace!" called Cora. "If Belle wants boys she may have them. I am chairman of the acting committee, and if boys do not act I would like to know exactly what they do."

Ted clamoured for a lesson at once, and was soon at ease in the queer saddle, finding Octoo gentle as a lamb, as he trotted away to show off at college. Bess came hastening down the hill, having seen the race from afar; and all collected on the piazza while Dan 'yanked' the cover off the big box the express had 'dumped' before the door to borrow his own words.

"Oh, my dear!" exclaimed Nan, under her breath, "is it what your father warned us about?" "A tornado?" cried Walter, from the ground where he was picking up the dead antelope. "I never saw a cloud like that that did not bring a big wind," Rhoda told them. "We've got to hurry." "Can we reach home?" asked Bess. "Not ahead of that. But we'll find some safe place."

Queen Mary also wrote to clear herself of it, and to show that she absolutely regretted it, as she had small esteem for Bess Cavendish. Moreover, though Lady Shrewsbury's friendship might not be a very pleasant thing, it was at least better than her hostility. However, she was not much at Sheffield.

"We shall not really separate for a day or two, and there's no use in prolonging the agony." He spoke with feeling, and a glance passed between the elders. A moment later, as the young people strolled onwards together, at the call of Bess, to watch the state barge of some native prince as it sailed slowly by, its dusky crew shouting greetings. Lady Moreham, looking after them, said, slowly,

Remember those girls we met this summer, and how we promised never, never to use it at least as commonly as they did! We never realized how it sounded until we heard them." "Oh, Cora, do stop. I've such a lot to tell you!" and Bess laid a plump and rosy palm over the smiling lips of her hostess. "So I gathered, Bess, from your manner. But you must not be in such a hurry.

When visited by the rector, he had been apparently soothed by the worthy man's consolatory advice, but when left alone he speedily relapsed into his former dark and gloomy state of mind. He did not notice Bess, who, according to Holden's directions, placed the aquavitæ bottle before him, but, as long as she stayed, remained with his face buried in his hands.

My fadder was chief I was great chief, but we was children. Knowed nuttin'. Like little child, dough great chief. Believe tradition. T'ink dis 'arth flat t'ink Injin could scalp all pale-face t'ink tomahawk, and war-path, and rifle, bess t'ings in whole world. In dat day, my heart was stone. Afraid of Great Spirit, but didn't love him. In dat time I t'ink General could talk wid bee.

Anyway, I'll hold Oldrin' up when he comes to the village an' find out about this girl. I knew the rustler years ago. He'll remember me." "Lassiter, if I ever meet Oldring I'll kill him!" cried Venters, with sudden intensity. "I reckon that'd be perfectly natural," replied the rider. "Make him think Bess is dead as she is to him and that old life." "Sure, sure, son. Cool down now.