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Pulling himself together, he got on his feet and at once told Cavendish what he had seen. There was no time to lose; a boat was promptly sent away with messengers to the two vessels afloat, the Good Adventure and the Elizabeth, to warn them to be in readiness; and the trumpet sounded for the men to cease work and muster.

M. Marion has also an establishment in London, at No. 19, Mortimer Street, Cavendish Square, exactly on a similar plan as that in Paris, containing an equal variety of specimens of this new branch of art.

In my extreme distress of wind, I have a morbid fear of misdirecting you; but even if I am in error, you may know the right drawer by its contents: some powders, a phial and a paper book. This drawer I beg of you to carry back with you to Cavendish Square exactly as it stands. "That is the first part of the service: now for the second.

She happened to pick up the key of Mrs. Inglethorp's despatch-case, which had been lost that morning. She knew that her mother-in-law invariably kept all important papers in this particular case. "Mrs. Cavendish, therefore, made her plans as only a woman driven desperate through jealousy could have done. Some time in the evening she unbolted the door leading into Mademoiselle Cynthia's room.

When he had answered his daughter's question and looked at Cavendish, he leaned back in his chair, and wearily closed his eyes. "He is very much changed since you saw him," said the girl in a lower tone, turning again to the pool, "and it's all come about in the past six weeks. The strike has had a most curious, a most pathetic effect upon him. Even the doctor is at a loss to account for it.

When I saw the mast I knew that the ship belonging to Madam Cavendish, which was called "The Golden Horn," and had upon the bow the likeness of a gilt-horn, running over with fruit and flowers, had arrived. It was by this ship that Madam Cavendish sent the tobacco raised upon the plantation of Drake Hill to England.

Give me Jackson, the head-waiter. Jackson, is Mr. Cavendish John Cavendish there? Good! Call him to the phone will you, Jackson? It's important." The early light of dawn stealing in faintly through the spider-web of the fire-escape ladder, found a partially open window on the third floor of the Waldron apartments, and began slowly to brighten the walls of the room within.

To them the drawn face and the weary look in her eyes only showed her grief at leaving home and those who loved her: to Mrs. Cavendish it seemed part of Jane's peculiar temperament. Nor could they watch her in the silence of the night tossing on her bed, or closeted with Martha in her search for the initial steps that had led to this horror.

He founded the city of St. Philip, but the extreme severity of winter decimated the inhabitants, and those who had struggled through the cold died subsequently of starvation. Cavendish the Corsair discovered the last survivor dying of hunger in the ruins.

My silence, my permitting the estate to go to settlement, and my legal services combined, ought to be held as rather valuable at, let us say, a hundred thousand. Yes, a hundred thousand; I hardly think that is unfair." Cavendish leaped to his feet, his hand gripping his cane. "You damned black " "Wait!" and Enright arose also. "Not so loud, please; your voice might be heard in the outer office.