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"I I was goin' to turn th' filly back to th' range," he continued in the same emotionless voice, "but well, you can have her I'll trade her to you for for th' thing that started th' fight. You can ride th' maverick till you go back east " "I'm not going back east," she said in a hurt tone, "at least not for a long time. Dad is going to to get me a stepmother!

"Now, Jim, don't be so uncommunicative; there may be something in this for you and me if we just put our heads together, 'two heads are better than one, you know, so set your thinking machine to work and grind out some ideas." "Well," said Maverick, slowly, "I dun'no what that Houston, damn him, would be runnin' 'round after Jack for, unless he wanted to get some p'inters on the mines some way."

Within doors, the atmosphere betokened a coming storm, as old Jim Maverick was several degrees more quarrelsome and ugly-tempered than usual. He glared sullenly at Lyle, as she stepped quietly about the kitchen, preparing the early breakfast that he and the boys took before starting for their work. Finally he growled, "What was you doin' out so late last night?

He was originally a maverick a stray from some passing herd and had joined the Bar-T cattle unasked. That was more than two years before. He had remained on the Bar-T ranges, but was evidently determined in his dogged mind not to submit to the humiliation of the branding-iron.

For almost as they entered they saw lying on the floor a suit of striped pyjamas, and close to it, gagged, bound, helpless, trussed up like a goose that was ready for the oven, gyves on his wrists, gyves on his ankles, their chief, their superintendent, Mr. Maverick Narkom, in a state of collapse and with all his outer clothing gone! "After him!

They have resented sheepmen comin' down into the valley. They want it all to themselves. That's the reason. Shore there's another. All the Isbels are crooked. They're cattle an' horse thieves have been for years. Gaston Isbel always was a maverick rustler. He's gettin' old now an' rich, so he wants to cover his tracks.

All I'm afraid is that when Dorsey finds out it's the Gold Dust maverick Thunderbolt has got to go up against he won't bet much on it." "The boys ought to be in to-day," Skinny said, abruptly switching the subject; "they figured on getting the Battle Ridge cattle gathered and in the big pasture by to-night, didn't they?" "Yes," Old Heck replied, "that was what was in my mind.

The Ramblin' Kid remained silent, seemingly indifferent to the teasing of the others. Carolyn June leaned over and said, in a voice audible only to him, while her eyes grew mellow with a look that tested his composure to the uttermost but which wrung no sign from him: "Please, race the maverick I want you to Ramblin' Kid!"

"Yes," Chuck answered, "he signed her up." "Did he name her as the Gold Dust maverick?" Old Heck inquired anxiously. "No," Chuck grinned, "he called her 'Ophelia!" Old Heck leaned back in the seat and roared with laughter in which Carolyn June and the widow joined.

Maverick, and in superintendence of the necessary work; Van Dorn, whose astonishment at the revelations of the last two days was beyond expression, keeping them informed of the condition of the sufferer. Lyle was pale with excitement, but calmly and bravely took her place as head of the strangely assorted household, her heart throbbing wildly as she anticipated the meeting with Mr. Cameron.