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The moment he mentioned "faver," the men involuntarily drew back, after having laid him reclining against the green ditch. "Thin, thundher an' turf, what's to be done?" exclaimed one of them, thrusting his spread fingers into his hair. "Is the poor boy to die widout help among Christyeens like us?" "But hasn't he the sickness?" exclaimed another: "an' in that case, Pether, what's to be done?"

"I'm Philip," he explained, following his mother's example and introducing himself. "They called me Philip 'cause it was the nearest thing Faver could get to Phyllis. You see, they didn't know there was going to be Angela. This is Angela. Isn't she pretty?"

"Pray have you, my man," said the elder of the two, "been acquainted with the circumstances of this boy's illness?" "Is it the poor scholar, my Lord?* Oh thin bedad it's myself that has that. The poor crathur was in a terrible way all out, so he was. He caught the faver in the school beyant, one day, an' was turned out by the nager o' the world that he was larnin' from."

"Why, chicken!" said my father. And made me sit down on his knee. "Don't tell me that my bit of sunshine is behind a cloud!" "Behind a noze," I said, feebly. So he said he liked my noze, even although somwhat swolen, and he kissed it, and told me I was a little fool, and at last I saw he was about ready to be tackeled. So I observed: "Father, will you do me a faver?" "Sure," he said.

Making no further reference to the child, he sat listening by turns to a prolonged exposition of his sister's views on the management of children, and to the continued wailings which floated down from the room above, until, at length, as a more piteous cry than all frantically voiced his own name, "faver," his self-restraint gave way, and he rose hastily and went upstairs.

"Vere's a man coming one of ve Bad Men. I must stay wiv you. My faver says a man must ALWAYS look after a girl. Jack will go home, and ven vey'll come and look for us. Vat's why I let him go."

Is that Sarah that I left in her bed of typhus faver this night? Or, am I in a dhrame still, I say? Sarah, is it you? Spake." "It is me, father; help me home. It will be your last throuble with me, I think at laste, I hope so oh, I hope so!" "Who talks about typhus fever?" asked Henderson, starting out of the chaise with alarm. "What means this? Explain yourself."

"If it's all the same to ye, I'll be glad to give that purty hand of yours an owld-fashioned shake, such as a fellow sometimes gits when he catches the chills an' faver." Deerfoot looked at the jolly lad with an odd expression, as he gave him his hand, which, I need not say, was shaken with enthusiasm. The young Shawanoe smiled in his own shadowy way and returned the pressure warmly.

People who are not relations say Miss and Mrs." "Are faver and muvver relations?" asked Josephine timidly. "Y-es no! I don't know," admitted Drina; "are they, Eileen?" "Why, yes that is that is to say " And turning to Selwyn: "What dreadful questions. Are they relations, Captain Selwyn? Of course they are!" "They were not before they were married," he said, laughing.

'For instance, proceeded the hon. gentleman, not noticing the interruption, 'the new arrangements of the Commissioners renders it almost impossible that they should appoint to a clerkship, either supernumerary or otherwise, while they are reducing the ordinary staff. But I'll certainly go to Mr. Faver, and remind him of the circumstance: we can only be refused at worst.