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"I'd find out where you had gone to, and follow you, and pitch into you when I found you," said Tommy stoutly. "Ay, but I did not ask what you'd do; I asked what you'd think?" "Why, I would think something had happened to prevent you lettin' me know, but I'd never think ill of you," replied Tommy. "I believe you, boy," said Bax, earnestly. "But come, enough o' this idle talk.

Feed my sheep. 'Well, I sez, 'when you wants me, you knows where to find me. 'Right, he sez; 'but it's Toller we'll be wantin' first. And I've been thinkin' as p'raps he'd oblige us by lettin' us have the loan of his dog for a bit. 'I'll go in and ask him, I sez; 'I don't suppose he'll have any objection. Then 'the Shepherd' blew his lantern out, and I see him no more that night.

Of course they was purchased for the Mexicans, but what was to prevent me from lettin' the Mexicans pay for them, help out on the charter of the boat, and then have me divert the cargo to the United States of Colombia, where I can sell 'em at a clear profit, the cost bein' nothin' to speak of? Now you got to come buttin' in with the Maggie, and what happens? Why, I got to be honest, of course.

Many a time, when some poor craythur 'ud come to ax whiskey on score to put over* some o' their friends, or for a weddin', or a christenin', maybe, an' when the wife 'ud refuse it, Pether 'ud send what whiskey they wanted afther them, widout lettin' her know anything about it.

Do you git my general drift?" "Yes, suh," said Peep. "I won't furgit; and thank you ag'in, Judge, specially fur lettin' me have this dollar ahead of time." He shambled out with the coin in his hand; and on his face was again the look of one who sees before him the immediate fulfillment of a delectable dream.

There's them as jest keeps the steam down a workin' the whole machinery patient and stiddy; but Bede, he's allays a histin' the cover, and lettin' on't out in one general bust, and I reckon that was what he did when he was a talkin' with the fisherman; he histed up the cover and let off a good deal of onnecessary steam, but he come to the right point in the end; that the fisherman had made a mistake thar', too, and as near as I can make out this Dave Rollin was kind o' took back and disappointed.

Now, Miss Annie, if the Lord, Miss Eulie, and you all could only see I'm a well-meanin' man, and that I don't mean no disrespect to anybody; that it's only one of my old, rough ways that I learned from my father and mother too, for that matter, I'm sorry to say and have followed so long that it's bred in the bone, it would save a heap of worry. One must have some way of lettin' off steam.

"Say," he went on, with pretended severity, "you can't squeal that way. I'm in ha'f your claim, an' I ain't lettin' up my holt on it fer fer nobody an' nuthin'. Get that right here. You can't bluff me." Scipio flushed. He somehow felt very small. The last thing he wanted Bill to think was that he was trying to do him an injury. "I'm sorry," he said helplessly.

That's not the way to beat those Boers." Francie alone had the hardihood to observe: "What is, then, Uncle Timothy?" "All this new-fangled volunteerin' and expense lettin' money out of the country." Just then Aunt Hester brought in the map, handling it like a baby with eruptions.

"Then see you don't get drawn into any quarrels while you and Kitty are away from the house. Stick to the lighted streets. I think I'll speak to her about not lettin' any strange man talk to her." "She wouldn't talk to no strange man. She ain't that kind," snorted Johnnie. "Keep yore shirt on," advised Clay, smiling.