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I hate all but you and Count Halfont and Baron Dangloss," which left but one condemned. "And Baldos?" added Yetive, patting her hand. "I wish you'd be sensible," cried Beverly, most ungraciously, and Yetive's soft laugh irritated her. "How long had you been listening to us?" "Not so much as the tiniest part of a minute," said Yetive, recalling another disastrous eavesdropping.

The social world he looked at did not show him heroes, only here and there a plain good soul to whom he was affectionate in the unhysterical way of an English father patting a son on the head. He described his world as an accurate observer saw it, he could not be dishonest. Not a page of his books reveals malevolence or a sneer at humanity.

"I stepped into the barn, where I could see her. She was crouched down by the hay with her faithful friend Fido, and as she ceased speak- ing, buried her face in her hands, and cried bit- terly; then, patting Fido, she kissed him, saying, 'You love me, Fido, don't you? but we must go work in the field. She started on her mission; I called her to me, and told her she need not go, the hay was doing well.

I did so but when he afterward was going to praise me for the skill with which I had rendered it, I told him it was but yesterday that I had translated the same fable under the supervision of my teacher. A gentle smile immediately lighted up his face, and tenderly patting my cheeks, he said to me, in his sonorous, soft voice: 'That is right, my dear Fritz, always be honest and upright.

"We know, darling, we know," said Pussy, patting Jane's shoulder, while Jimmy drew a white silk handkerchief from his pocket, and hid his face under the pretence of blowing his nose. To see a woman cry never failed to wring a sympathetic tear from Jimmy.

Come, Juan," patting the neck of his pony, "let us go back while we have sense enough to do so." But while he spoke he lingered around the place, as if there was some strong fascination for him. It was a beautiful scene, made up almost entirely of forest, but such a forest as only Peru, with its wonderful natural wealth, can produce.

If you want me to stay on here, and help out, you've got to treat me right. Other fellows that do as I'm doing get treated right. And I've got to be, too or I'll clear out." And he squirmed, and waggled his head and slapped and rubbed his heavy, powerful legs. "Why, Ashbel," said Susan, patting him on the shoulder. "You and I are like brother and sister. You might as well talk this way to Etta."

"You can have no idea how I missed you all; even down to this little man," patting Horace's rosy cheek. "You look remarkably well, Rose; and the two Horaces also; but Elsie, I think, has grown a little pale, thin, and heavy-eyed. What ails you, child? Pining for your native air no, home air I presume. Is that it?"

Nanina gave this answer in low, trembling tones, and looked down confusedly on the ground. "Go then, my dear," said Father Rocco, patting the child on the shoulder; "and come back here to your sister, as soon as you have left the mats."

It was clear from the pains he took with it, by the constant patting and the care bestowed upon its watering and feeding, that its rider was extremely proud of it; and Cuthbert concluded that if an escape was to be made, this was the animal on which he must accomplish it.