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It wes half and between, and so a' said it wud be pleasant for her tae be in her ain country again, aifter livin' in the sooth." Her hearers indicated that Elspeth had not fallen beneath herself, and began to wonder how a woman who had lived in London would fit into Drumtochty. "What div ye think she said tae me?"

For a good ten minutes the man waited, whistling softly the while, before Charles returned. "Waal, what luck?" asked the stranger ere Charles had come through the doorway. "Luck!" growled the bondsman. "The devil's own, as mine always is, curse it!" "From which I calkerlate that old Meredith wuz obstinate and wud n't set yer free." "Not he, plead my best.

"Beyond me and every ither in the land but ane, and it wud cost a hundred guineas tae bring him tae Drumtochty." "Certes, he's no blate; it's a fell chairge for a short day's work; but hundred or no hundred we'll hae him, an' no let Annie gang, and her no half her years." "Are ye meanin' it, Drumsheugh?" and MacLure turned white below the tan.

'I wuss ye war anither sic-like! he answered simply. 'Syne there wud be twa o' 's! she returned, leaving him to interpret. Silence again fell. 'Weel, what wud ye hae, Francie? said Kirsty at length. 'I wud hae ye promise to merry me, Kirsty, come the time, he answered; 'and that ye ken as well as I du mysel! 'That's straucht oot ony gait! rejoined Kirsty.

"Pale, but resolute, attended by two trembling altar boys with bell and censer, Father Mulcahy advanced in front of the astonished cause of this unwonted disturbance. "'In the name of the Blessed Thrinity, I command you to retire from this blissid an' sacred church to the place from whence you came. "'An' why wud I go back, your riverince? Shure, the body's buried, an' I've no call there now.

A' wud like to hae it exact for Drumsheugh." "Thae's the eedentical words, an' they're true; there's no a man in Drumtochty disna ken that, except ane." "An' wha's thar, Jamie?" "It's Weelum MacLure himsel. Man, a've often girned that he sud fecht awa for us a', and maybe dee before he kent that he hed githered mair luve than ony man in the Glen.

"He knew what was wrong wid Arthur the minute he clapped his eyes on him tore open his little satchel, slapped the chloroform into his face, whisked out his knives and slashed into him as aisy as ma wud into a pair of pants for Jimmie there, and him waitin' for them." "Look at that now!" her father exclaimed, pulling out the damper of the stove and spitting in the ashes.

"Is there anything I can do?" but the figure simply waved its hand and resumed: "A'm comin' tae that, but a' thocht ye wud be wantin' ma opeenion o' London. "Weel, ye see, the first thing a' did, of coorse, after settlin' doon, was tae gae roond the kirks and hear what kin' o' ministers they hae up here.

I'd begin sthrikin' whin th' flowers begin to bloom in th' parks, an' I'd stay on sthrike till 'twas too cold to sit out on th' bleachers at th' baseball park. Ye bet I wud. "I've noticed that nearly all sthrikes occur in th' summer time. Sthrikes come in th' summer time an' lockouts in th' winter.

She was juist seven past when she was taen awa'; an' when I meet her again, I wud like her to be juist the same bonnie bit lassokie that cam' in wi' her pawlie that Setarday efternune an' tell'd me she had a sair heid the henmist sair heid ever she was genna hae.