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"Thae's the eedentical words, an' they're true; there's no a man in Drumtochty disna ken that, except ane." "An' wha's that Jamie?" "It's Weelum MacLure himsel'. Man, a' 've often girned that he sud fecht awa' for us a', and maybe dee before he kent that he had githered mair luve than ony man in the Glen. "'A' 'm prood tae hae met ye, says Sir George, an' him the greatest doctor in the land.

Drumtochty was not observant in the matter of health, but they had grown sensitive about Dr. MacLure, and remarked in the kirkyard all summer that he was failing. "He wes aye spare," said Hillocks, "an' he's been sair twisted for the laist twenty year, but a' never mind him booed till the year. "The Glen wudna dae weel withoot Weelum MacLure, an' he's no as young as he wes.

Ma hert turned tae bitterness, but that passed awa beside the brier bush whar George Hoo lay yon sad simmer time. Some day a'll tell ye ma story, Weelum, for you an' me are auld freends, and will be till we dee." MacLure felt beneath the table for Drumsheugh's hand, but neither man looked at the other.

A' wud like to hae it exact for Drumsheugh." "Thae's the eedentical words, an' they're true; there's no a man in Drumtochty disna ken that, except ane." "An' wha's thar, Jamie?" "It's Weelum MacLure himsel. Man, a've often girned that he sud fecht awa for us a', and maybe dee before he kent that he hed githered mair luve than ony man in the Glen.

"Naebody needs tae know, Weelum, an' ye maunna speak that way, for whatever's come ower her, she's dear to Lachlan and tae God. "It's laid on me tae veesit Lachlan, for a'm thinking oor Father didna comfort us withoot expeckin' that we wud comfort other fouk."

Man, Saunders cam tae me a haflin, and hes been on Drumsheugh for twenty years, an' though he be a dour chiel, he's a faithfu' servant as ever lived. It's waesome tae see him lyin' there moanin' like some dumb animal frae mornin' tae nicht, an' no able tae answer his ain wife when she speaks. "Div ye think, Weelum, he hes a chance?"

'A've thocht that masel, replied the agonized elder, 'mair than aince. Weelum MacLure was 'ettling aifter the same thing the nicht he slippit awa, an' gin ony man cud hae stude on his ain feet yonder, it was Weelum. And for minister and elder and doctor and me 'there is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus.

Drumsheugh, in an agony, whispered into his ear, "'My dwelling-place, Weelum." "That's it, that's it a' noo; wha said it? "And in God's house for evermore My dwelling-place shall be. "A'm ready noo, an' a'll get ma kiss when mither comes; a' wish she wud come, for a'm tired an' wantin' tae sleep. "Yon's her step ... an' she's carryin' a licht in her hand; a' see it through the door.

We 'ill hae the Muirtown doctor up, an' ye 'ill be aboot again in nae time. "Ye hevna ony sair tribble; ye're juist trachled wi' hard wark an' needin' a rest. Dinna say ye're gaein' tae leave us, Weelum; we canna dae withoot ye in Drumtochty;" and Drumsheugh looked wistfully for some word of hope. "Na, na, Paitrick, naethin' can be dune, an' it's ower late tae send for ony doctor.

A' wud like to hae it exact for Drumsheugh." "Thae's the eedentical words, an' they're true; there's no a man in Drumtochty disna ken that, except ane." "An' wha's that, Jamie?" "It's Weelum MacLure himsel. Man, a've often girned that he sud fecht awa for us a', and maybe dee before he kent that he hed githered mair luve than ony man in the Glen.