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A little further on, the machine turned to the left, and just as it turned off, a racing car flashed by. Something about one of the figures was familiar. "Whose car was that?" The driver turned and stared at the cloud of dust. "I didn't rightly see, it might ha' been " He stopped. "I'll tell you whar you can get a boat, Sah!" he suggested. "Mr.

He's mouty nigh the end of his rope, sah, and we'll purty' soon hev him jist whar you fellows air, sah." Myself "Well, if you fellows intended stopping him, why didn't you do it up about Atlanta? What did you let him come clear through the State, burning and stealing, as you say? It was money in your pockets to head him off as soon as possible."

"She are the daughter o' Holt the squatter the same whar you say you're a-goin'. Thar's another, as I told ye; but she's a younger un. Her name's Lilian." "A pretty name. The older sister was very beautiful you say?" "I niver set eyes on the like o' her." "Does the younger one resemble her?" "Ain't a bit like her different as a squ'll from a coon." "She's more beautiful, then?"

"Ter gin Nate's grant back ter him," they both replied in a breath. "I hev not got it!" cried poor Birt tumultuously. "I never stole it! I dunno whar it be!" The tanner's expression changed from paternal kindliness to contemptuous anger. "Air ye goin' ter keep on bein' a liar, Birt, ez well ez a thief?" he said sternly. "I dunno whar it be," reiterated Birt desperately.

I couldn't help it, 'case you's gen'rally pullin' an' haulin' an' kickin' me to git away, but you 'members me, an' Judy, wid dis kind of face?" She touched her eyes and nose and mouth to show where Judy's features were marked with ink, and then Amy laughed, and as if the mention of Judy took her back to the vernacular of her childhood, she said, "Oh, yes, I done 'members Judy. Whar is she?"

But we're a long way from it now. That island uv ours must be seven or eight hundred miles from here, an' I reckon it's nigh to fifteen hundred to New Orleans, whar we wuz once." "Shet up," said Tom Ross suddenly. "Time fur all uv you to go to sleep, an' I'm goin' to watch." "I'll watch," said Henry. "I'm the oldest, an' I'm goin' to have my way this time," said Tom.

"'Oh, do pray save me, Brer Rabbit! sez Brer Wolf, sezee. 'Do please, Brer Rabbit! de dogs is atter me, en dey 'll t'ar me up. Don't you year um comin'? Oh, do please save me, Brer Rabbit! Hide me some'rs whar de dogs won't git me. "No quicker sed dan done. "'Jump in dat big chist dar, Brer Wolf, sez Brer Rabbit, sezee; 'jump in dar en make yo'se'f at home.

Queries 'How cam' ye here? and 'Whar' is the Master? were rapidly exchanged, while the friar looked on in amaze at the two wild-looking men, about whom other tall Scots, more or less well equipped, began to gather, coming from a hostelry near at hand.

It got blood all over the baby's dress. Missis came out, she say, "I'll hit you niggers if you don't stop playing with horse-shoes." The scar is on my head yet whar Celia hit me. I ain't played since. Do you blame me? "Missis told her brother Sam one day to whoop me. Every time he hit me, I'd hit him. I wan't feared then. I didn't know no better.

"Can ye do that same, laddie?" asked he, with one of his quaint, searching looks. Somehow I blushed, and could not altogether meet his eye, while he went on, " An' gin ye could, whaur would ye do 't? I ken na periodical whar the editor will gie ye a clear stage an' no favour to bang him ower the lugs." "Then I will try some other paper." "An' what for then?