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Guess day wuz lookin' fer sum slave er sum one fum 'nother plantation widout dere marster's pass." "I se'd a lot ob sta'rs fall one time but dey neber teched de groun'. En I members seein' a comet wid a long bright shinin' tail." "Atter freedom all de slaves lef' de plantation but I stayed dere a long time.

He too lazy and shif'less to make co'n of his own; and he like too well to filch co'n from them he puts his spite on. Buck Fuson he tuck a spite at me, last time the raiders was up atter that Fuson hideout; jes set up an' swore 'at I'd gin the word to 'em.

Ef you'll des say de word, I kin turn yer ter w'ateber yer wanter be, en yer kin stay right whar yer wanter, ez long ez yer mineter. "Sandy say he doan keer; he's willin' fer ter do anythin' fer ter stay close ter Tenie. Den Tenie ax 'im ef he doan wanter be turnt inter a rabbit. "Sandy say, 'No, de dogs mout git atter me. "'Shill I turn yer ter a wolf? sez Tenie.

She didn't hab no min' for nottin', she was dat flabbergastuated. "She t'ink she run erway; but she wouldn't git far befo' Mars' Colby be atter her wid de houn's. Dar ain't no place to run to, an' she ain't got no mammy, so she run tuh mine," said Uncle Rufus, shaking his head. "An' my mammy was a wise ol' woman.

"I hain't goin' ter shoot ye down like ye merits," he said, "an' yit I misdoubts ef hit's so much because I've got ter give ye a chanst, atter all, es ther hunger ter see yore life go out under my bare fingers." Slowly dying hope had its redawning in Bas Rowlett's face.

Hit were a piece o' gold Kit give me atter I give you mine. He trades the womern out o' her necklace fer all o' two pesos, Mexican. But she not talkin' Missoury, an' him not talkin' Shoshone, they don't git fur on whar the gold come from. "She done told him she got hit from me, but he don't say a word ter me erbout that; he's too wise.

I'd rayther be a hosier I'd rayther be a 'atter I'd rayther be an undertaker I'd rayther be a Pusseyite parson I'd rayther be a pig-jobber I'd rayther be a besom-maker I'd rayther be a dog's-meat man I'd rayther be a cat's-meat man I'd rayther go about a sellin' of chick-weed and sparrow-grass! added he, as his horse nearly slipped up on his haunches.

Atter a while Rich says: "Harve," says he, "who tol' you that I said that word agin you an' Nance?" "Abe Shivers," says Harve. "An' who tol' you," says Harve, "that I said that word agin Nance an' YOU?" "Abe Shivers," says Rich. An' both says, "Well, damn me!" An' Rich tu'ned right over an' begun pullin' straws out'n the bed.

Even ef we fails 'atter all, hit hain't because we didn't try hard and we hain't done yit." Two of the men to whom she spoke were gazing at her with rapt eyes. O'Keefe was riding on that moonlit night at the gallop of bold dreams, and in his mind were visions of wedding and infare.

He made de tasks bigger en de rashuns littler, en w'en de niggers had wukked all day, he 'd fin' sump'n fer 'em ter do roun' de ba'n er som'ers atter da'k, fer ter keep 'em busy a' hour er so befo' dey went ter sleep.