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"W'y, he done gib her powdered charcoal! Dat finish Pechunia. She nebber tried to buy nottin' mo' for her complexion naw, indeedy!" The girls of the old Corner House learned that Neale was up early on Monday morning, having remained in hiding the remainder of Sunday. He sought out a neighbor who had a pair of sheep-shears, and Mr. Murphy cropped the boy's hair close to his scalp.

"Sho', chillen, dis ain't nottin' fo' ol' Unc' Rufus. He sit up many a night afore dis. An' somebody has ter watch de Christmas goose." "Oh! The Christmas goose?" cried Agnes. "Has it come?" "You wanter see him, chillen?" asked the old colored man, shuffling to the door. "Looker yere." They followed him to the woodshed door.

Now his decision was made, and he touched her softly with the ends of his fingers. "Madame Delphine, I want you to go at 'ome. Go at 'ome." "Wad you goin' mague?" she asked. "Nottin'. But go at 'ome. Kip quite; don' put you'se'f sig. I goin' see Ursin. We trah to figs dat law fo' you." "You kin figs dad!" she cried, with a gleam of joy. "We goin' to try, Madame Delphine. Adieu!"

But, Massa," said he, "I ab twenty different ways ay, fifty different ways, to make graby; but, at sea, one must do de best he can with nottin' to do with, and when nottin' is simmered a week in nottin' by de fire, it ain't nottin' of a job to sarve him up. Massa, if you will scuze me, I will tell you what dis here niggar tinks on de subject ob his perfession.

Provided alway that if the said John Yaxley have knowledg and warning only to cum to Nottin. and Derby, then the said John Yaxley is agread by these presents to take only xv li besides the 5 li aforesaid. Provided alwaies that if the said John Yaxley have knowledg and warning to take no labour in this matter, then he to reteine and hold the said 5 li resaived for his good will and labour.

"'Down to Boston I spose, Massa, sais I, 'mong dem pententionists and ablutionists, Massa; ablution is a mean, nasty, dirty ting, and don't suit niggars what hab good missus like me, and I won't take dat journey, and I hate dat cold counteree, and I want nottin' to do wid mansipationists. "'It ain't dat, said he, 'it's up above. "'What, sais I, 'up dere in de mountains?

She was haf nottin' to eat nottin' to drrink; le Père Honoré was fin' her in de bois forêt, an' was been tak' ma pauvre mère in hees ahrms, an' he place her in de sugair-house, an' il l'a soignée how you say?" He appealed to the Italian whose interest was on the increase. "Nurrsed?" "Yah oui, nurrsed her, an' moi aussi lee'l bébé' "

It was easy to see that the iterated thanks were distasteful to him. He said nothing until the jubilant Cato also made a spring at it as soon as it was released. "Nebber mind nottin' Oonomoo do nottin'." "Hebens, golly! yes, you did. If you hadn't come jes' as you did, I'd had to fout de Injines all alone, single-handed, widout any feller to help me, and, like as not, would've got hurt."

"Den we are ready to start," declared the darkey, solemnly. "Nottin' will now disturb de continuity ob de ebenin's enj'yment. Forward, march, is our motter!" And he marched away to the flying machine and got aboard with the coop and Buttsy in his arms. The professor had found the last of his possessions he wished to take with him. He followed the negro aboard.

"Dey wuz a scene where us guys wuz sellin' papes, an' anudder guy comes along, and t'rows a handful of money in de street he had so much he didn't know what t' do wit' it dat wuz in de picture," he explained. "I wuz in de scene." "Was it real money?" asked Paul. "Naw nottin' but tin," and the tone expressed the disappointment that had been experienced.