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"It was the hardest task I ever had. But, Cap, you know we had to make Peg sore. He's too blamed good-natured. Oh, but didn't he take fire! He'll make some of those Herne guys play low-bridge to-day. Wouldn't it be great if he gave Gallagher the laugh?" "Worry, don't you worry about that," said Homans.

I remember the way it used to be when a fellow had to go in to see Prexy in my time. The old guy would start mooning away and quoting Latin and keep us there half the morning." At this moment two shabby-looking, insignificant men who had evidently come out from one of the buildings, passed us on the sidewalk. "I wonder who those guys are," said Mr. Sims. "Look like bums, don't they?"

Then a dozen men dived through the mud to pull away the slippery, writhing natives as they worked to cut through the remaining guys. Moments later the landing craft was directly overhead and men and natives alike scattered as she sank down. The platform splintered and jolted under her weight, began skidding, then held firm to the two guy ropes remaining.

"Hanging a Chinaman?" said Laurier. "Sure. Der sleuths got him rubberin' der rail-road sheds!" "Oh!" "Dose guys done wase cartridges. Deyse hung him and dey pulled his legs. Deyse doin' all der Chinks dey can fine dat weh! Dey ain't takin' no risks. All der Chinks dey can fine."

Everybody took to Ramos' kind of exercise, bouncing around inside a bubb even Lester, who was calmer, now, but obviously strained by the vast novelty and uncertainty ahead. "I gave you guys a hard time I'm sorry," he apologized. "But I hope there won't be any more of that. The Bunch will be breaking up, soon, I guess going here and there.

That's nothin'. If you was to get inside there you'd bump into some of the biggest guys in town; a lot of high-ups from Wall Street, and maybe a couple of these professors from Columbyah College, and some swell actresses, and a bunch of high-brow writers and painters, and a dozen dames right off the head of the Four Hundred list. He takes 'em, all kinds, Mr.

"I don't care to go." "Strange!" Mr. Wharton helped himself to a goblet of wine, appearing to heap the liquor above the edge of the glass. "Now, if I were sober I could understand how you might prefer these 'pappy guys' to me, for nobody likes me then, but I'm agreeably pickled. I'm just like everybody you'll be likely to meet at this time of night.

They stood still in the darkening field, staring up at the sky, where a few larks still hung chirruping. "Ah'd lahk to be one o' them guys," said Chrisfield. "You would?" "God damn it, Ah'd do anything to git out o' this hellish infantry. This ain't no sort o' life for a man to be treated lahk he was a nigger." "No, it's no sort of life for a man."

The new art galleries are closed for some days; but the collections and museums of various sorts are daily open, gratis; the theaters redouble their efforts; the concert-halls are in full blast; there are dances nightly, and masked balls in the Folks' Theater; country relatives are entertained; the peasants go about the streets in droves, in a simple and happy frame of mind, wholly unconscious that they are the oddest-looking guys that have come down from the Middle Ages; there is music in all the gardens, singing in the cafes, beer flowing in rivers, and a mighty smell of cheese, that goes up to heaven.

I knew I had to do it." "Must have been fun getting it up." "I built the perch first, got it solid, and then I made a temporary walkway out of two by sixes, H shaped. We pulled Stone Man out to the end with a come-along, a couple of inches at a time. It was awesome. Bunch of guys helped. We had a few brews." "I'll bet. I like this, Max." "It'll be cool to see him in winter and then in spring.