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The sand was noticeably darker, and here and there under the sun's rays, it held that faintly iridescent glint that was unmistakable. At a distance he would have said there was a spring somewhere beneath the surface. But no water ever had that look, and now that he was prepared for it he even noticed a faint, distinctive odor in the air. "By golly!" he cried excitedly.

The Bald-faced Kid glanced at the horse and his jaw dropped. "Well, by the limping Lazarus!" he ejaculated. "If they haven't gone and slipped him Last Chance! Yes, I'd know that darned old hay hound if he was stuffed and in a museum, and, by golly, that's where he ought to be! Last Chance!" "What's it to you?" growled Little Calamity sullenly. "Can't you mind your own business?"

And then, by golly, to go and make a fluke like that before them Diamond G men to go and let that blue roan pile yuh up b'fore he'd got rightly started t' pitch If yuh'd stayed with him till he got t' swappin' ends there, it wouldn't uh looked quite so bad. But t' go and git throwed down right in the start By golly!" Slim faced Andy accusingly.

"Golly! that's so!" muttered Jim, stopping like a flash, and dashing for the house again; "I didn't think of that!" Good Mrs. Gordon and Aunt Cynthia had recovered in a degree their senses. Unspeakably shocked by the peril of the youth, whose courage they estimated too highly, they shrank from no risk that could aid his final escape.

Playin' now is just a time-consumer, that's all; they got it all tore to pieces, no top or bottom to it. "We used to play games, too. Ring games at play parties 'Ring Around the Rosie', 'Chase the Squirrel', and 'Holly Golly'. Never hear of Holly Golly? Well, they'd pass around the peanuts, and whoever'd get three nuts in one shell had to give that one to the one who had started the game.

Say, 'Right-O and devil hindermost! Very good motto for biped in tight place. Better drown here than in City bucket shop. But no drown. Should be dead long ago, but Little Bonsa play the game, she not want to sink in stinking swamp when so near her happy home. Come out all right somehow, as from dwarf. Every cloud have silver lining, Major, even that black chap up there. Oh! my golly!"

But how can we get away from these blamed 'square-heads'?" Just then we noticed one of the tunnels, and I said, "Hully gee! Snipe, what's the matter with hiding in one of these tunnels? No one ever comes here." "Golly! I believe it would work," says Snipe, pounding me on the back. We were very much excited, and when we reached our bunkhouse we told some of the other boys.

"Try another," he found himself suggesting "try a red one." At this her laughter increased, and she had to rest her hands upon the stack to steady herself. "Try another," she managed to articulate between spasms of mirth. "Oh, golly, try another!" "Try two." "Yes, try two. Oh, I'll choke if I don't stop laughing. Here it goes."

'For a few dollars more or less I should make a Rudolph Pelz picture something I'm ashamed of. Am I right, Rosie? Am I right?" "I should say so, Roody, for a few dollars you should not belittle yourself." "Not if your old man knows it, by golly! and I think he does." "Hurry now, Roody; you know how Bleema likes it you should be dressed."

If you wish, I'll take you into my own service, and pay you good wages." "Done, by golly; and when dey cotch us, dey'll cotch a weasel asleep." "But haven't you a wife and children?" "Oh, yah. I'se got a wife, an' I'se got a lot ob chillen somewhar in de 'Fed'racy; but I'll come wid you uns bime by, an' gedder up all I can fine.