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He had been out to get a bucket of water; he set the pail down by the end of the bar and filled a tin cup from it. "Here's how, boys," he said with loud facetiousness, and lifted the cup.

The tables and chairs were put away in rows, like figures in a sum; fires were so rarely lighted in the rooms of ceremony, that they felt like wells, and a visitor represented the bucket; the dining-room seemed the last place in the world where any eating or drinking was likely to occur; there was no sound through all the house but the ticking of a great clock in the hall, which made itself audible in the very garrets; and sometimes a dull cooing of young gentlemen at their lessons, like the murmurings of an assemblage of melancholy pigeons.

I stood at a projection in one of our trenches, from where I could see the general shape of our line, and could glimpse a good view of the German arrangements. Not a soul could be seen anywhere. Here and there a wisp of smoke indicated a fire bucket. Behind our trenches, behind the shattered houses at the top of a wooded rise in the ground, stood what once must have been a fine chateau.

Little Jacob and little Sol both looked and they saw the cook walking from the galley with his bucket. The galley is the kitchen of the ship. And he emptied the bucket over the side. Then the two little boys looked quickly at the shark again, to see what he would do.

I ain't much of a prophet, but I can tell you that, ma'am." Mrs. Bagnet, quite charmed, hopes Mr. Bucket has a family of his own. "There, ma'am!" says Mr. Bucket. "Would you believe it? No, I haven't. My wife and a lodger constitute my family. Mrs. Bucket is as fond of children as myself and as wishful to have 'em, but no. So it is. Worldly goods are divided unequally, and man must not repine.

The engineer officer wanted to blow up the pipe, but I thought if we blocked it up the enemy might not discover it, and put through gas which would come back on himself. Some concrete dugouts were being constructed at this time, and I took out a bucket of concrete and dumped it over the end of the pipe in broad daylight without having a shot fired at me or being seen.

"Ben Johnson survived Shakespeare in some respects. "In the 'Canterbury Tale' it gives account of King Alfred on his way to the shrine of Thomas Bucket. "Chaucer was the father of English pottery. "Chaucer was succeeded by H. Wads. Longfellow." We will finish with a couple of samples of "literature," one from America, the other from India.

"Did you get along with the women?" "Very well indeed. And I've enjoyed myself. It's a strange, beautiful place." "Do you like the women?" "Yes." "Have you seen much of the Sago Lily?" "No. I carried her bucket one night and saw her only once again. I've been with the other women most of the time." "It's just as well you didn't run often into Mary. Joe's sick over her.

The heat of ordinary exercise compels him to throw back the hood of his fur coat, that the cool evenings and mornings preclude his discarding, and not only his entire face becomes blistered, but especially if he is fashionable enough to wear his hair thin upon the top of his head his entire scalp is affected about as severely as if a bucket of scalding water had been poured over his head.

"All right," muttered Johnny, "but just the same, the man who " "Never mind about the man who! Did you hear me?" yelled Cowan, swiftly reaching for a bucket of water. "This is a game where I gets the most in, an' don't forget it!" "Come on; play cards," growled Lucas, who did not relish having his decision questioned on his own story.