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De news'll come all in good time. An' news allers comes in a heap suddently, so to speak. It neber comes slow. Now, look yar. I wants you to make me a solum promise." "What is that?" asked Hester, smiling in spite of herself at the intensity of her dark friend's look and manner. "It am dis. Dat you will neber look surprised, nor speak surprised, no matter howeber much you may feel surprised."

"Now dar wuz er nudder little Fraid name Dreary; an' she wuz sad an' gloomy, an' neber dance, nor play, nor nuf'n; but would jes go off poutin', like to herse'f. Well, one day she seed er big flat stone under a tree.

By un by de young man begin to pray hisself, and den he smiled, and den, oh, I neber can forget how Hannar Amander clapped her hands and shouted 'Now I know he's numbered wid de army ob de Lor'! kase he smiles. Dat was his first smile; but I can tell you, gemmen, it grew brighter and brighter, and by un by his face was all smiles, and he died saying he'd meet his moder and all ob us in Hebben, and praising de bressed Lor'!"

Nobody doesn't neber chane nuffin' in Glenmore!" Mrs. Marvin was on the porch, as the carriage turned in at the gateway, and she stepped forward to greet them as they sprang out on the walk. "I was beginning to wonder what had detained you, when I was delighted to see the carriage coming around the bend of the road.

Habent I heerd him yell, too? he neber does it in dat style; dat war an Injin, and de reason dat he screeched out in dat onmarciful way war 'cause he got in de path ob Avon and de boy plugged him." "By gracious, Dinah! I believe you're right!" was the exclamation of Captain Shirril, so joyous over the rebound from despair that he was ready to dance a breakdown in the middle of the floor.

We asked one of the men, whether he would not be willing to be a slave again provided he was sure of having a kind master. "Heigh! me massa," said he, "me neber slave no more. A good massa a very good ting, but freedom till better." They said that it was a great blessing to them to have their children go to school. After getting them to show us the way to Grace Bay, we bade them good bye.

Why, dere neber has been no cooking on board of dis here fore-and-after till you yourself comed on board. Dey don't know nuffin'. Dey is as stupid and ignorant as coots." Here his eye rested on the captain, when with the greatest coolness he gave me a wink, and went on without stopping.

I nebber tole noboddy, but I jest set right down by de fireplace and rubbed wood ashes and juice that spewed outen de wood real hard ober de scratch. All de others was real sick and had the awfullest arms, but mine neber did eben hurt." Mrs. "When the War was going on between the States and the Confederate soldiers had gone south, the Yankee soldiers came through.

"But all dat time nobody neber wush nobody else was rich, an' good, an' lubly, an' happy; fur don't yer see de birds neber sung, 'I wush you wuz, 'I wush dey had," but all de time 'I wush I wuz, 'I wush I had. At last, one day dar come inter de gyarden er po' little cripple gal, who lived 'way off in er ole tumble-down house.

The Sea-flower pressed his bony, black hand to her lips. "Ah! I know dat you neber change, missy; I know you always be de same! I tells mysef dat, dese long years past, and bress de Lord, poor old Bingo hab one friend as long as he hab a hope ob libin'!"