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He's a quaiet cratur eneuch, only he disna ken whaur he comes frae he disna ken whaur onything comes frae an' he canna bide it. But he wadna hurt leevin' cratur, the laird." "What a dreadful face!" said the girl, shuddering. "It's no an ill faured face," said Malcolm, "only the storm's frichtit him by ord'nar, an' it's unco ghaistly the noo."

The number of Wuerttembergians afflicted with dysentery, while on the march from the Niemen to the Dwina, amounted to three thousand, at least this many were left behind in the hospitals of Malaty, Wilna, Disna, Strizzowan and Witepsk. The number of deaths in the hospitals increased as the disease proceeded, from day to day, and the number of those who died on the march was not small.

They'd hae him a bit harder on the sinners, and a bit safter wi' the saints specially wi' theirsels, wha are the vara crown and flower o' a' the saints, and ne'er were sinners no to speak o', ye ken, and outside the responses. And he disna gang saft and slippy doun their throats, as they'd ha'e him, but he is just main hard on 'em.

At this moment out came Meg with a glowing poker. 'This wull shift ye, if the Bargeist disna, she cried, as she lunged at the Land Sergeant's mare and caught her fair upon the near buttock. With a muffled skreigh the mare leapt forward, seized the bit 'twixt her teeth, and ventre

He's the minister's man, ye ken, an' howks the graves ower by at the parish kirk-yard, for the auld betheral there winna gang ablow three fit deep, and them that haes ill-tongued wives to haud doon disna want ony mistake " "Meg," said her mistress, "do not forget yourself." 'Guid be thankit! he says, 'I had the forethocth to order a stane heavy eneuch to hand them baith doon!"

Where do you think she has been? Teen mournfully shook her head, and her large eyes filled with tears. 'I'll no' let her away, she answered firmly. 'If she'll no' come doon to Bourhill, I'll see that she disna gang onywhere else withoot me. 'You are a faithful friend, said Gladys quickly. 'Has she has she seen her brother?

He can hit a mark brawly; he was third at the popinjay; and he's as true of his promise as of ee and hand, though he disna mak sic a phrase about it as some acquaintance o' yours But it's a' ane to me Come, cousin, we'll awa'." "Stay, Jenny; d n me, if I hang fire more than another when I have said a thing," said the soldier, in a hesitating tone. "Where is the sergeant?"

Come, Sir Robert, we will have a mouthful to eat, and something good to wash it down; come along, man. what the devil are you scrutinizing poor old Robinson Crusoe for? Come along. I say, the old chap is making the green-house thrive; he beats Malcomson. Here. Malcomson, you know Sir Robert Whitecraft, don't you?" "Hout, your honor, wha' disna ken Sir Robert Whitecraft?

But it disna become me to speak that gate to your honour, adn you looking sae pale. Tak back the purse, and keep it to be making a show before company; for if your honour would just take a bidding, adn be whiles taking it out afore folk and putting it up again, there's naebody would refuse us trust, for a' that's come and gane yet."

"And then," quo' he, "ye'll be ill-sorted to hear that he's like to be in the prison at Portanferry, if he disna tak a' the better care o' himsell, for there's been warrants out to tak him as soon as he comes ower the water frae Allonby.