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Dougal received the travellers with the condescension of a regular towards civilians. "They're off their gawrd," he announced. "Thomas Yownie has been shadowin' them since skreigh o' day, and he reports that Dobson and Lean followed ye till ye were out o' sight o' the houses, and syne Lean got a spy-glass and watched ye till the road turned in among the trees.

There is a sang about ane o' them marrying a daughter of the King of Man; it begins Blythe Bertram's ta'en him ower the faem, To wed a wife, and bring her hame I daur say Mr. Skreigh can sing us the ballant.

Weel, Sandy was forrit wi' the jib sheet; we couldnae see him for the mains'l, that had just begude to draw, when a' at ance he gied a skirl. I luffed for my life, for I thocht we were ower near Soa; but na, it wasnae that, it was puir Sandy Gabart's deid skreigh, or near hand, for he was deid in half an hour.

She rose as Miss Horn entered, buried a fat fist in a soft side, and stood silent. "Weel?" said Miss Horn interrogatively, and was silent also. "I thocht ye micht want a cast o' my callin'," said the woman. "Na, na; there's no a han' 'at s' lay finger upo' the bairn but mine ain," said Miss Horn. "I had it a' ower, my lee lane, afore the skreigh o' day.

Here Miss Oldbuck entered the parlour, at the door of which Oldbuck was carrying on this conversation, he bellowing downward to Jenny, and she again screaming upward in reply. "Dear brother," said the old lady, "ye'll cry yoursell as hoarse as a corbie is that the way to skreigh when there's a sick person in the house?"

Skreigh; I'se warrant I hae heard you sing a blythe sang on Saturday at e'en before now. But as for the chaise, Deacon, it hasna been out of the coachhouse since Mrs. Bertram died, that's sixteen or seventeen years sin syne . Jock Jabos is away wi' a chaise of mine for them; I wonder he's no come back. A loud rapping was heard at the door. "That's no them. I dinna hear the wheels.

There is a sang about ane o' them marrying a daughter of the King of Man; it begins Blythe Bertram's ta'en him ower the faem, To wed a wife, and bring her hame I daur say Mr. Skreigh can sing us the ballant.

"Ye are a dauring villain, Rob," answered the Bailie; "and ye will be hanged, that will be seen and heard tell o'; but I'se ne'er be the ill bird and foul my nest, set apart strong necessity and the skreigh of duty, which no man should hear and be inobedient. And wha the deevil's this?" he continued, turning to me "Some gillravager that ye hae listed, I daur say.

Skreigh, only that I lived within a penny-stane cast o' the head o' the avenue at Ellangowan, when a man cam jingling to our door that night the young Laird was born, and my mother sent me, that was a hafflin callant, to show the stranger the gate to the Place, which, if he had been sic a warlock, he might hae kenn'd himsell, ane wad think; and he was a young, weel-faured, weel-dressed lad, like an Englishman.

'Gudewife, said Skreigh, gathering up his mouth, and sipping his tiff of brandy punch with great solemnity, 'our talents were gien us to other use than to sing daft auld sangs sae near the Sabbath day. 'Hout fie, Mr. Skreigh; I'se warrant I hae heard you sing a blythe sang on Saturday at e'en before now. But as for the chaise, Deacon, it hasna been out of the coach-house since Mrs.