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And there was not a trace of condescension in his attitude toward me; but always encouragement, a tender affectionate and paternal interest in a young boy, who at that moment was a brother artist.

She was wearing a very handsome dress of grey silk with a large picture hat with grey feathers: she entered the room with a rustle, and the sweep of the skirts spoke of infinite condescension. "Miss Feverel, I believe " she held out her hand "I am afraid this is a most unceremonious hour for a call, and if I have interrupted you in your work, pray go on. I wouldn't for the world.

It was plain that he did not approve of Sir George's condescension. 'I have no notion, Soane answered, yawning. 'But he has got a very pretty girl with him. Whether she is laying traps for Dunborough 'The viscountess's son? 'Just so I cannot say. But that is the old harridan's account of it. 'Is she here too? 'Lord, yes; and they had no end of a quarrel downstairs.

Mary V turned white; also she wished that she had thought of mentioning the "rudimentary rules of metrical composition" instead of infant classes. She smiled as disagreeably as was possible to such humanly kissable lips as hers. "No, is it?" she agreed sweetly. "Witless wight was rather good, I thought. Wight fits you so well." "Oh, that!" Johnny turned defensively to a tolerant condescension.

"Why, your honour, there's corporal Allen and old Pliny off duty; I think the thing might be done with them, if your honour would have the condescension to order corporal Blodget, with the two other blacks, to form as a supporting party, under the cover of one of the fences." "A disposition of my force that would leave captain Willoughby for a garrison!

Surely did those in exalted stations know how happy they could make some classes of their inferiors by condescension and affability, they would never stand so high, measuring out with every look the height of their elevation, but condescend as sweetly as did Mrs. Stewart of Stair. SIR, I was with Wilson, my printer, t'other day, and settled all our by-gone matters between us.

'Oh, I am a Butterfly, and you will see that very soon I shall become most lovely, such gloriously tinted feathers will deck my wings, all the world will be lost in admiration, I shall be so beautiful! 'And will you let me see you then? the meek little flower asked humbly. 'Oh yes! certainly you shall gaze upon me, he answered, with a mighty air of condescension.

'There is very little in the way of entertainment for visitors in our town, he began with his usual easy condescension, while he went on at the same time flapping the backs of the chairs with a dirty dinner-napkin a practice peculiar, as you're doubtless aware, to servants of superior education. 'Very little!

Her character was as upright as her figure, which in defiance of the relaxed customs of the day was always arrayed against a straight-backed chair. Conventionalities of every sort were an abomination to her. Black silk was the full extent of her condescension in the matter of what she was pleased to call Babylonian attire, and she had no patience with the ordinary vanities of her sex.

Both these types are now looked upon generally with condescension or contempt by the progressive element among the colored people; but it should never be forgotten that it was they who led the race from paganism and kept it steadfast to Christianity through all the long, dark years of slavery.