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But a moment's reflection showed him that if he allowed himself to be carried on he would, sooner or later, find himself face to face with Mr. Dunborough; and, in any case, that it was now his interest to stand by his companion; and presently he too fell to shouting and drumming on the panels. There was a quaver, indeed, in his 'Help!

Sir George might have broken down his opposition by the same arguments addressed to his safety which had brought him so far. But time was everything, and Soane was on fire to know the best or worst. 'Agreed! he cried. 'Lead the way, sir! And do you, Mr. Fishwick, await me here. 'We must have time, Mr. Dunborough grumbled, hesitating, and looking askance at the attorney he hated him.

Dunborough, with a very strong expletive; 'but I'll make him smart for it by-and-by. You have ruined me among you. 'Saved you, you mean, said Lady Dunborough with complacency, 'if you are worth saving which, mind you, I very much doubt, Dunborough. 'If I had seen her last night, he answered, drawing a long breath, 'it would have been different. For that I have to thank you two.

Dunborough leave the house and pass to the stables; and anxious to escape for a time from his terrible patroness, he professed himself ready. Knowing where the rooms, which the girl's party occupied, lay, in the west wing, he did not call a servant, but went through the house to them and knocked at the door. He got no answer, so gently opened the door and peeped in.

Then the landlord's supple cutting-whip, wielded by a vigorous hand, wound round the tenderest part of his legs for at the critical instant Mr. Dunborough dragged him from the wall and with a gasping shriek of pain, pain such as he had not felt since boyhood, Mr. Thomasson leapt into the air.

Before the other could reply, 'What is this? cried a shrewish voice from the interior of the carriage. 'Hoity toity! This is a nice way of receiving company! You, fellow, go to your master and say that I am here. 'Say that the Lady Dunborough is here, an unctuous voice repeated, 'and requires rooms, dinners, fire, and the best he has. And do you be quick, fellow! The speaker was Mr.

Those windows commanded both the Marlborough High Street and the Salisbury road, welcomed alike the London and the Salisbury coach, overlooked the loungers at the entrance to the town, and supervised most details of the incoming and outgoing worlds. Lady Dunborough had not been up and about half-an-hour before she remarked these advantages.

Dunborough, his face damp and pale, his eyes furtive and full of a strange horror. He looked at Sir George. 'He's got it! he muttered in a hoarse whisper. 'You had better get a surgeon. You'll bear me out, he continued, looking round eagerly, 'he began it. He flung it in my face. By God it may go near to hanging me! Sir George and the landlord pushed by him and went in.

If we have not returned at that hour, be good enough to swear an information against this gentleman, and set the constables to work. Mr. Dunborough muttered that it lay on Sir George's head if ill came of it; but that said, swung sulkily on his heel. Mr.

He has he has seen us. It was too true. Mr. Dunborough, approaching the door with a lowering face, had looked up as if to see what witnesses there were to his discomfiture. His eyes met his mother's. She shook her fist at him. 'Ay, he has, she said, her tone more moderate. 'And, Lord, it must be as you say! He is in a fine temper, if I am any judge. 'I think, said Mr.