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As Hiram spoke Levi seemed to shrink together. His face changed from its copper color to a dull, waxy yellow. When the other ended he answered never a word. But he pushed back his chair, rose, put on his hat and, with a furtive, sidelong look, left the house, without stopping to finish the supper which he had begun. He never entered Hiram White's door again.

My feet were uncertain and heavy, and my soul became as a meal sack, limp with emptiness and tied in the middle. People looked upon me scornfully, pitifully, reproachfully. So I avoided their looks, shrinking close to the kerbstone and by furtive glances directing my progress.

The little model answered quickly: "But I've seen Hughs, Mr. Dallison. He's found out where I live. Oh, he does look dreadful; he frightens me. I can't ever stay there now." She had come a little out of her hiding-place, and stood fidgeting her hands and looking down. 'She's not speaking the truth, thought Hilary. The little model gave him a furtive glance. "I did see him," she said.

Monty's furtive glance inland, his half-frightened, half-cunning denial of any anticipated visit suggested that there was some one else who was interested in his existence, and some one too with whom he shared a secret. Trent lit a cigar and sat down upon the sandy turf. Monty resumed his digging. Trent watched him through the leaves of a stunted tree, underneath which he had thrown himself.

But the general insuccess which had so faithfully attended him recently had aroused the long-dormant desire for a general review of the situation with his wife perhaps even the furtive hope of some conjugal arrangement tending toward an exchange of views concerning possible alliance.

"From Hudson's Bay, down the Red Wolf Plains, along the hills, across the coast country, here." "Why?" Gaspard eyed Pierre's small kit with curiosity; then flung up a piercing, furtive look. Pierre shrugged his shoulders. "Adventure, adventure," he answered. "The land" he pointed north, west, and east "is all mine. I am the citizen of every village and every camp of the great north."

Pretty Ella knew she attracted a great deal of attention from the opposite sex when she appeared in the street, and she was not such a demure little saint as to let a fine, manly figure pass without her observation, but her observance was quick, furtive, like the motion of a bird's eye that looks you over before you are aware of the bird's presence.

Rice came down to lunch the fourth day out his face was haggard and his look furtive and anxious. "Why, captain," cried Mrs. Assistant-Attorney, you look as if you hadn't slept a wink last night." "I slept very well, thank you, madam." replied the captain. "I always do." "Well, I hope your room was more comfortable than mine. It seemed to me too hot for anything. Didn't you find it so, Mrs.

Swift, furtive glances cast backward and forward indicated the nerve strain and caution of hostile forces mingling with a show of cordiality; each bent on giving no offense, but each watchful and tightly keyed for defensive action.

So glad that miserable old person is out of the way for ever, of making young men of family marry young women of no family, who have not even money to recommend them. I must say your I shudder to utter the word, Maurice your wife is as thoroughly dishonest a person as " Tessie pauses, and casts a furtive glance at him. "After all, there may be a hope for you, Maurice. That cousin!