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He was lazily wondering to himself whether she had ever been young whether the same waxy face, wrinkles and grey hair had not adorned her in her very cradle, when the appearance of an evidently highly nervous boy in buttons, carrying a letter towards his host on a silver salver, distracted his attention.

I am so glad you are come!" said Flora, starting up from her low seat, beside the cradle. Dr. May hardly paused to embrace his daughter, and she anxiously led him to the cradle, and tried to read his expression, as his eyes fell on the little face, somewhat puffed, but of a waxy whiteness, and the breathing seeming to come from the lips.

Beyond that you may confide yourself to waxing waxy in my hands. They are not bad hands to be in as your brother and whatever-you-call-Jack can testify. I will lay my lines in the dark to the end that you may bloom in the sun. Trust me. You need do no moreexcept buy your ticket. The two o’clock on Tuesday.

Cradock," he announced. Nan coloured angrily. "You needn't trouble yourself," she returned. "I don't receive callers." But Jerry was not to be shaken off. He linked an affectionate arm in hers. "All right, Nan old girl, don't be waxy," he pleaded. "Come on the lake with me this afternoon instead. I'll bring some prog if you will, and we'll have one of our old red-letter days. Is it a promise?"

The cemeteries are a chaotic mass of tumbledown tombstones and vagrant vegetation. Pools of water covered with green scum, and heaps of filth everywhere, fill the reeking atmosphere with malaria and breed big clouds of mosquitoes. The people have a yellowish, waxy complexion that tells its own story of the unhealthiness of the place, without instituting special inquiry.

Smaltz looked startled scared. It was Toy, his skin a waxy yellow and his oblique eyes blazing with excitement and rage. "I savvy you, Smaltz! I savvy you!" His voice was a shrill squawk. "I savvy you!" His fingers with their long, sharp nails were opening and shutting like claws. Smaltz knew that he had seen him from the hill and, watching, had understood.

As Hiram spoke Levi seemed to shrink together. His face changed from its copper color to a dull, waxy yellow. When the other ended he answered never a word. But he pushed back his chair, rose, put on his hat and, with a furtive, sidelong look, left the house, without stopping to finish the supper which he had begun. He never entered Hiram White's door again.

Think I couldn't see through you, sir? Be off!" A few minutes later Uncle Paul's pipe was cooling on the parlour chimney-piece, kept almost upright by the waxy end leaning against a glass tube which had been formed into a sort of ornamental rolling-pin to be suspended over the fire, and to be much treasured by its owner.

This phenomenon is often accompanied bywaxy flexibility,” where the joints move stiffly but retain whatever bend is given them, like a doll with stiff joints. The significance of catalepsy is best studied by considering its relationship to other symptoms and by noting remarks made by the patients in reference to it.

Cane-sugar and glucose, or grape-sugar, are the two recognized varieties, though the making of beet-sugar has become an industry here as well as in France. Grape-sugar requires to be used in five times the amount of cane, to secure the same degree of sweetness. Honey also is a food, a concentrated solution of sugar, mixed with odorous, gummy, and waxy matters.