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"Except Israel himsel'!" said McMinn of the Croft, "man, dominie, since he converted Jock, my ploughman, he hasna been drunk yince, and I get twice the work oot o' the craitur for the same wage." Which, being the proof of the pudding, settled the question.

'There's plenty 'ud think they'd got their two-pennorth to see this on the screen o' a picture-show at 'ome, Jock. 'Huh! Picturs! sniffed Jock. 'Picturs, and the-ayters, and racin', and fitba'. Ah wanner folks hasna better use for their time and money, at sic a time 's this. 'Aw, said the other, 'But y' forget, Jock. Out 'ere they 'ave their 'ouses blown up an' their business blown in.

When it was ended Clementina said nothing, Annie Mair said "Hech, sirs!" and Lizzy, with a great sigh, remarked, "The deil maun be in a' thing whaur God hasna a han', I'm thinkin'." "Ye may tak yer aith upo' that," rejoined Malcolm. It was a custom in Peter's boat never to draw the nets without a prayer, uttered now by one, now by another of the crew.

Sin' yesterday mornin' the laird, Grizzie tells me, hasna ristit a minute in ae place,'cep' in his bed. What for camna ye thestreen?" As he was answering her question, Aggie cast a keen searching look at his companion: Elsie's face was as red as fire could have reddened it, and tears of vexation were gathering in her eyes. She turned her head away and bit her lip.

I couldna see wha was at it, but there maun have been somebody, for first the crittur waved to the window and next she kissed her hand to it, and syne she went on a bit, and syne she ran back close to the window and nodded and flung more kisses, and back and forrit she went a curran times as if she could hardly tear hersel' awa'. 'Wha's that you're so chief wi'? I speired when she came by me at last, but she just said, 'I won't tell you, in her dour wy, and she hasna come back yet."

Now there were reasons why Malcolm should not be unwilling to tell the strange wild story requested of him, and he commenced it at once, but modified the Scotch of it considerably for the sake of the unaccustomed ears. When it was ended Clementina said nothing; Annie Mair said "Hech, sirs!" and Lizzy with a great sigh, remarked, "The deil maun be in a'thing whaur God hasna a han', I'm thinkin'."

"How she was abandoned to hersell, or whether she was sackless o' the sinful deed, God in Heaven knows; but if she's been guilty, she's been sair tempted, and I wad amaist take my Bible-aith she hasna been hersell at the time."

Kinnaird, and I'll tell him ye sent yer love tae him. 'Ye'll no do sic a thing as that, Jeanie Trim! All the dignity and authority of her long womanhood returned in the impressive air with which she spoke. 'Ye'll no do sic a thing as that, Jeanie Trim! It's no for young ladies to be sending sic messages to a gentleman, when he hasna so much as said the word "love."

"I cam in, Sir," she said, whispering "it's mair than an hour back, and she's been sleeping just like a babby ever syne; she hasna stirred a finger. O, Mr. Lindsay, it's a bonny bairn, and a gude. What a blessing to the house!" "You're about right there, I believe, Maggie; but how have you learned it so fast?" "I canna be mista'en, Mr.

'Nae man can say for that, answered the clerk mysteriously. 'Dead! said the Deacon, 'I'se warrant him dead lang syne; he hasna been heard o' these twenty years or thereby. 'I wot weel it's no twenty years, said the landlady; 'it's no abune seventeen at the outside in this very month.