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Slips One Over On The Police. said the glaring headlines in the New York papers. The dispatches were dated from Atlanta, and when I turned to the Atlanta papers I found them, too, headlining the escape of "Slippy McGee."

We stretched ourselves out, elbow to elbow. The one in the dark corner blew out his candle. "May the war look slippy and get finished!" mumbled Orango. "If only they'll let me transfer to the cyclists," Margat replied. We said no more, each forming that same great wandering prayer and some little prayer like Margat's.

The Lord forgive me for having had aught to do with it! he tried to climb back, poor chap; but the great big beams was wide to grasp, and very slippy with the rain, and he weren't used to that sort of thing, and so he lost his hold, and down he fell on to the rails, quite stunned; and, afore any on us could get at him, the stopping train were on him, and he were a dead man."

He was particularly truculent that evening when the six-o'clock train came in. "Tickets, there; look slippy wi' your tickets." His head bobbed up at the window of another compartment. "Tick " he began, and then he ducked.

He pretended to hate the aristocracy, as he called them, and poor Maggie could certainly never claim this distinction in her own little person. Nevertheless, she was entirely superior to Martin, and he felt a sort of pride in her as she walked up the long restaurant by his side. "Now, waiter," he said to the man who approached to take orders, "you look slippy.

They sha'n't say I led you into mischief this time," said Terry. "I'll take care you don't fall down the back stairs." "I can take care of that myself," said Turly. "No, you can't. You are not as old as I am, so hold on to me well in case the stairs are slippy." They went out on the landing very quietly, "not to make any fuss", as Terry said, and made for the gate at the top of the stairs.

One arternoon, a sincerely cold one it was too, and the weather, violent slippy, dark overtook them before they reached the top of one of the highest and steepest of them mountains, and they had to spend the night at a poor squatter's shanty.

'Hair of the dog? suggested Mr. Berry. 'Hi! Chips, old sonnie' he was bawling down the staircase catch 'Oh, butter-fingers! There it is, just behind you. Half-a-crown. Just nip across, will you? Two Scotches and a split. Take a pull at your own tap while you're there, and look slippy. Armstrong, dear boy, you're looking very chalky. Don't overdo it, dear boy, whatever you do.

Oh, it wasn't the spring we drink out of . . ." seeing a horrified look on Marilla's face . . . "it was the little one lower down. But the bank's awful slippy and Paul went right in. I tell you he made a bully splash. Oh, Anne, Anne, I didn't mean to say that . . . it just slipped out before I thought. He made a SPLENDID splash. But he looked so funny when he crawled out, all wet and muddy.

But the dinghy was real and so were the slippy slidy wet rocks, and I had to watch what I was about and not go staring in astonishment at our man. We all had to be careful about the rocks, and that's why none of us said anything till we were in the dinghy, except for one gasp of astonishment. "But how could you be?"