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"He hes been a gude man tae her through the dark an' through the licht, an' she hes tried tae repay him as a puir imperfect wumman can, an' her hert is warm to him, but there hes aye been ae thing wantin' an' it hes been that wife's cross a' her life there wes nae ither man, but her husband wesna, isna, canna be her ain a'thegither an' for ever for the want o' luve that luve o' luve that maks marriage."

"No reason whatever, sir if ye can and do: that point would be already settlet. But ye winna get Maggie to merry ye sae long as she disna believe ye loe her Lord as well as she loes him hersel. It's no a common love that Maggie beirs to her Lord; and gien ye loed her wi' a luve worthy o' her, ye would see that!" "Then you will promise me not to interfere?"

Ma auld tittie has dee'd and left me some siller, Merton dragged a handful of dirty notes out of his trousers pocket. 'I've been to see the auld Bowers, but Lairdie was on the shift. 'And ye're ganging to Embro? 'When we cam' into Embro Toon We were a seemly sicht to see; Ma luve was in the I dinna mind what ma luve was in 'And I ma'sel in cramoisie,

"Nae fear, Maister Carmichael, naebody misunderstands that luves, and the fouk all luve ye, and the man that hauds ye dearest is Lachlan Campbell. I saw the look in his een that canna be mista'en." "I'll go to him this very day," and the minister leaped to his feet. "Ye 'ill no regret it," said Marget, "for God will give ye peace."

"Thae's the eedentical words, an' they're true; there's no a man in Drumtochty disna ken that, except ane." "An' wha's that Jamie?" "It's Weelum MacLure himsel'. Man, a' 've often girned that he sud fecht awa' for us a', and maybe dee before he kent that he had githered mair luve than ony man in the Glen. "'A' 'm prood tae hae met ye, says Sir George, an' him the greatest doctor in the land.

Hollyhock, holding her hand, continued: 'Oh, waly, waly up the bank, And waly, waly doun the brae, And waly, waly yon burnside, Where I and my luve were wont to gae! 'Oh, waly, waly, gin luve be bonnie, A little time while it is new! And when 'tis auld it waxeth cauld, And fades awa' like mornin' dew.

It's a queer kin' o' Keiths she's comed o', nae better nor Englishers that haena sae muckle's set fit in our bonny Scotland; an' sic scriechin', skirlin' tongues as they hae, a body wad need to be gleg i' the uptak to understan' a word they say. Tak' my word for't, Maister Colin, it's no a'thegither luve for his lordship's grey hairs that gars yon gilpy lassock seek to become my Leddy Keith."

It appears rather doubtful, however, whether carpets were not sometimes used in the winter. "Whan we cam' in by Glasgow toun, We were a comely sicht to see, My luve was clad in velvet black And I mysel' in cramoisie." Old Ballad. A fortnight after the events recorded in the last chapter, Lovell Tower was in the confusion of great preparations for the approaching wedding.

I CANNA chuse, but ever will Be luving to thy father still, Whaireir he gae, whaireir he ryde, My luve with him maun still abyde; In weil or wae, whaireir he gae, Mine heart can neir depart him frae. Lady Anne Bothwell's Lament.

"'And fare thee weel, my only Luve, And fare thee weel a while, And I will come again My Luve, Tho' it were ten thousand mile." While Elinor sang this charming song Mr. Buxton regarded Miss Helen Campbell with an expression so abjectly adoring that Mr. Campbell gave a roar of boyish laughter and laid himself flat on the ground in the ecstasy of his amusement. They all laughed, indeed.