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Neither the weak nor the powerful can agree with the Order, because the knights despise the weak and try to ruin the mighty. Good deeds they repay with evil ones. Is there anywhere in the world another order which has received as many benefits from other kingdoms as the knights have received from Polish princes? And how have they repaid?

That which made you act was heart alone the noble and good heart which you possess beneath your apparent skepticism and sarcastic irony; you have engaged the fortune of a servitor, and your own, I suspect, my benevolent miser! and your sacrifice is not acknowledged! Of what consequence is it? You wish to repay Planchet his money.

She took it, and kissed it impulsively. He flushed, and drew it back quickly and shyly. "Some day I shall be able to repay you for all your goodness," she said. "I am only grateful now grateful altogether. And you will tell me all you knew of him all that he said and did before he died?"

When the chances of their being able to repay are reasonably good, and a loan is made, we should be as careful to collect the debt as in any business transaction. Another charitable superstition is the prejudice in favor of relief in kind rather than in money.

Hereupon a right sorrowful and painful cloud overspread her face, and it was in a dejected tone that she answered me that then indeed all must be at an end, and her fondest hopes nipped, by reason that she owed more to Mistress Waldstromer than ever she could repay, and whatsoever she might undertake against her will would of a certainty come to no good end.

'Why, my friends, it's I who can never repay you. Just think, for one moment, of what you have given me' and he put his arm round his little girl's neck. So we may consider that matter settled. And now, when can Alick come? My grandfather begged for another month, and Mr. Villiers said that would do very well, as in that time the school would reopen after the holidays.

That man will never be a perfect gentleman who lives only with gentlemen. To be a man of the world, we must view that world in every grade and in every perspective. I cannot keep late hours, nor adhere to the unhealthy customs of good society; nor do I think that, to a man of my age and habits, any remuneration would adequately repay the sacrifice of health or comfort.

In another instant he would have had the presumptuous Spaniard in a death-grip, but a cry from Leicester stopped him just in time. "Steady, Bowen!" exclaimed George eagerly; "steady, dear old friend; resistance is worse than useless just now. It is their turn to-day; but ours will come, it shall come, some day; and then we will repay them with interest for all our present sufferings."

"Ah, my friend," cried he, "you give me my honor, after saving my life! How can I ever repay you?" "By committing no imprudences or foolishnesses, except reasonable ones. Such as this," added Sauvresy, leaning toward Bertha and embracing her. "And there is nothing more to fear?" "Nothing! Why I could have borrowed the two millions in an hour, and they knew it. But that's not all.

I held my tongue about you these eleven years past, I held it yesterday and saved your paltry life, and you'd repay me by stabbing me in the dark in a fine old-fashioned way too, with your trap-doors, and blown-out candle, and Italian tricks " He held the candle down near the white beard as though he would singe it. "Come, sit up against the wall there and let me look at you."