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"There is nae Bible in your study," said M'Brair severely. And Haddo, after a few distracted turns, was constrained to accept the fact. "Weel, and suppose there isna?" he cried, stamping. "What mair can ye say of us, but just that I'm fond of my joke, and so 's she? I declare to God, by what I ken, she might be the Virgin Mary if she would just keep clear of the dragoons.

Robert approached to look at the child, for his heart felt very warm to poor Jessie. 'A bonnie bairnie, he said, 'Isna he, sir? Think o' 'im comin' to me! Nobody can tell the mercy o' 't. Isna it strange that the verra sin suld bring an angel frae haven upo' the back o' 't to uphaud an' restore the sinner? Fowk thinks it's a punishment; but eh me! it's a mercifu' ane.

Isna that a queer dream for a daft auld carline? What for should ony o' them dee before me? it's out o' the course o' nature, ye ken."

"But you will break your heart, Jean. You canna help it. And I canna take your love and happiness to brighten my old age. It isna right. I'll not do it. You must go to Gavin. I will go to my brother David." "I will not break my heart, mother. I will not shed a tear for the false, mean lad, that you were so kind to for fourteen years, when there was no one else to love him.

"Hout fie, bairns!" said the old lady, with something of a good-humoured reproof, "ye shouldna vex your billy Hobbie that way. Look round, my bairn, and see if there isna ane here mair than ye left this morning." Hobbie looked eagerly round. "There's you, and the three titties." "There's four of us now, Hobbie, lad," said the youngest, who at this moment entered.

"Whaur did the bit dog go, man?" demanded the peremptory landlord. "Dog? There's no' ony dog i' the kirkyaird. It isna permeetted. Gin it's a pussy ye're needin', noo " But Mr. Traill brushed this irrelevant pleasantry aside. "Ay, there's a dog. I let him in my ainsel'." The caretaker exploded with wrath: "Syne I'll hae the law on ye. Can ye no' read, man?" "Tut, tut, Jeemes Brown.

'There is nae Bible in your study, said M'Brair severely. And Haddo, after a few distracted turns, was constrained to accept the fact. 'Weel, and suppose there isna? he cried, stamping. 'What mair can ye say of us, but just that I'm fond of my joke, and so's she? I declare to God, by what I ken, she might be the Virgin Mary if she would just keep clear of the dragoons.

"Yes," said Adam, entering. "That was Seth Bede. I'm his brother Adam. He told me to give his respects to you and your good master." "Aye, the same t' him. He was a gracious young man. An' ye feature him, on'y ye're darker. Sit ye down i' th' arm-chair. My man isna come home from meeting."

Some said it was because he was always frightened lest his young men should intermarry with other denominations, but Sanders explained it differently to Sam'l. "I hav'na a word to say agin the minister," he said; "they're gran' prayers, but, Sam'l, he's a mairit man himsel." "He's a' the better for that, Sanders, isna he?"

"What is born i' the bane, isna easily rooted oot o' the flesh," said John; and in secret he prayed and wept that his adopted son might be brought to a knowledge of the truth.