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"How can I?" said Julia, laughing in her turn. "You are not a girl." "Can girls then only feel friendship?" inquired Charles, taking the seat which Miss Emmerson had relinquished. "I sometimes think so," said Julia, with her own good-humoured smile. "You are too gross too envious in short, you never see such friendships between men as exist between women."

One minute; Watson is finishing my hair. . . . Come in, now; and kindly keep your distance, my friend. Do you suppose I want Rosamund to know what brand of war-paint I use?" "Rosamund," he repeated, with a good-humoured shrug; "it's likely isn't it?" "Certainly it's likely.

The death of martyrs to their faith is grand to look back upon; but it did not appear so to the best of the martyrs at the time. This little trial of ours looks provoking, and foolish, and mean, to us to-night; but whether it really is so, will depend on how we bear it; and whatever it may bring after it, grand or mean, all we have to do is to be good-humoured with it, Morris."

But if a man is fatherly and kind-hearted, he will find plenty of young men who are responsive to a paternal interest, and intensely grateful for the good-humoured care of one who will listen to their troubles, their difficulties, and their dreams.

I had not seen my young namesake for about two years, but I recollected him as a fine, high-spirited, very handsome boy about twelve or thirteen years of age, always getting into some scrape or other and always getting out of them somehow in such a fearless, good-humoured manner that it was impossible for anyone to be angry with him.

He is not past the time of life when all appointed work seems a task, and any sort of excuse a valid cause against it; but he is conscientious, and always good-humoured under a scolding, and Rosamond does not spare him," he added, laughing. "Then you don't think there has been a mistake about him?" said Jenny, in a low voice of alarm.

Accordingly he was gentle and good-humoured, and courteous with me the whole evening; and he has been so upon every occasion that we have met since.

"Every day," replied the official, with a good-humoured smile and an emphatic nod. "Why, sir," he continued, in a leisurely way, "we're some what of a literary nation, we are. How many letters, now, d'you think, pass through the Post-Office altogether counting England, Scotland, and Ireland?" "Haven't the remotest idea."

"I was amused; for I was thinking of the good-humoured face of Mrs McShane, which was much better than being in high company, and forgetting her entirely. Let me alone for amusing myself after my own fashion, O'Donahue, and that's all I wish. I suppose you have heard nothing in your travels about your Powlish princess?"

He secretly winked at the resumption of a forge fire that had been abandoned, because the noise and smoke incommoded the dwelling-house, and Kit Smallbones hammered his loudest there, when the guest might be taking her morning nap; but this had no effect in driving her away, though it may have told upon her temper; and good-humoured Master Headley was harassed more than he had ever been in his life.