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These not proving very satisfactory, he managed to fall in with Father McShane, the Catholic priest of the Rockland church. Father McShane encouraged his nibble very scientifically.

After supper they retired, O'Donahue and his wife sleeping in the carriage, which was arranged so as to form a bed if required; while McShane and Joey made it out how they could upon the cloaks and what little straw they could procure, on the floor of the post-house, where, as McShane said the next morning, they "had more bed-fellows than were agreeable, although he contrived to get a few hours' sleep in spite of the jumping vagabonds."

"And now, O'Donahue," said McShane, "if you are not yet tired of my company, I should like to hear what you have been doing since we parted: be quite as explicit, but not quite so long-winded, as myself; for I fear that I tired you." "I will be quite as explicit, my good fellow; but I have no such marvellous adventures to relate, and not such a fortunate wind up.

Kathleen rose up on her elbow, holding the bed-clothes up to her throat, and looking at them, as they entered, said, "O Corny! Corny! this to me?" Corny never thought of looking for anybody, his eyes were rivetted upon his sweetheart. "Murder, Kathleen, is it my fault? Jerry will have it." "Are you satisfied, Corny?" said Mrs McShane.

William Bergen and Miss Camilla Whitcomb, Worcester; Miss Ella Findeisen, Lawrence; Miss L. J. C. Daniels, Boston. New Jersey-Mrs. George Scott, Montclair. Pennsylvania-Mrs. Lawrence Lewis, Miss Elizabeth McShane, Miss Katherine Lincoln, Philadelphia. Third Group California-Mrs. William Kent, Kentfield. Oregon-Miss Alice Gram, Miss Betty Gram, Portland. Utah-Mrs. R. B. Quay, Mrs.

The dear boy was once under my tuition, and did me much credit, as I have no doubt that he has done you." Now, the usher had told Mr Slappum that Joey had been addressed by this person the day before, and the schoolmaster presuming, of course, that it was Joey McShane, replied, "I am sorry to say that he left this house last night, and has absconded we know not where.

McShane recognised him by the description given of him immediately, and resolved to make his acquaintance incognito, and ascertain what his intentions were; he therefore took his seat in the same box, and winking to one of the girls who attended, also called for a plate of beef and cabbage.

"Shall I talk with Dimitri, or shall I hold my tongue, or shall I think about it while you go to dinner at the ambassador's?" "I cannot dine out to-day, McShane. I will write an excuse." "Well, now, I do believe you're in for it in good earnest. My love never spoiled my appetite; on the contrary, it was my appetite that made me fall in love."

"Courting's very expensive, especially when you order postchaises for nothing at all, and I was very nearly at the end of my rhino; so I said to myself, `McShane, you must retrench. And I did so; instead of dining at the coffee-house, I determined to go to an eating-house, and walked into one in Holborn, where I sat down to a plate of good beef and potatoes, and a large lump of plum-pudding, paid 1 shilling and 6 pence, and never was better pleased in my life; so I went there again, and became a regular customer; and the girls who waited laughed with me, and the lady who kept the house was very gracious.

I should have enjoyed myself, I do not doubt but I should have enjoyed myself too much; and, after dining with ambassadors, and princes, and counts, and all that thing should I ever have gone back comfortable and contented to Mrs McShane, and the cook's shop?