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"That's the name they gave me at Mallard & Tyne's office this afternoon. They told me that he has tied up the only available block the railroad company overlooked." "Tied it up!" exploded the colonel. "Bless my soul, it has him tied up! Courtney's company blew so high that none of the pieces has come down yet.

No such account of broken windows was ever presented to a man before. This may be considered as the consummation of the Kaiser's Shadow-Hunt; or at least its igniting and exploding point. His Duel with the Termagant has at last ended; in total defeat to him on every point. Shadow-Hunt does not end; though it is now mostly vanished; exploded in fire.

Biology was opposed tooth and nail as the worst of all infidelity. It exposed Genesis and put Moses out of court. It destroyed all special creation, showed man's kinship with other forms of life, reduced Adam and Eve to myths, and exploded the doctrine of the Fall. Darwin was for years treated as Antichrist, and Huxley as the great beast. All that is being changed, thanks to the sceptical spirit.

A prominent attache of the department is of the opinion that an attempt was to have been made by the band to relieve all of Mrs. Garrison's guests of their jewels in a sensational game of 'stand and deliver." "The miserable asses!" exploded Phil, when 'he read the foregoing. "That is the worst rot I ever read. This police department couldn't catch a thief if he were tied to a tree.

This needle is also capable of slight movement in a vertical plane, so that when passing over or under a mass of iron it is attracted downward or upward, and completes a circuit by means of the stops, which operate so as to explode the charge. The charge can also be exploded in the ordinary manner, viz., by means of the firing pin, X, when the torpedo runs into any solid object.

You must believe me when I tell you that such action is as much to your interest as mine. If he is permitted to stay here " "Heave to, there, Jim!" exploded the seaman. He leaned across the table and glared at the man on the other side. "There, now, sit down and compose yourself," soothed the Elder. "I was prepared for you to take it this way at first.

It was amusing to note the difference between his ways and the Northmen's. He did not come in; he exploded. At six o'clock in the evening, he would rush in without knocking at the door, shouting at one and the same time Italian to the people of the house, and French to me.

It was the error of Sir Peter Parker obeying an old but exploded military maxim, not to leave an armed post of the enemy in his rear to pause before a fortress, the conquest of which could in no wise contribute to his success, and defeat before which, must necessarily endanger his final objects.

As the Union column came into view a cannon boomed and a shell burst in the road so near that dirt was thrown upon them as it exploded and one man was wounded. At the same time the column on the left under Osterhaus appeared, having performed its semicircle about the marsh, and the whole Union army, weary of body but eager of soul, pressed forward.

That's the best way." "Why Koppy?" Conrad's eyes fell away sullenly. "He had the impertinence to imagine " He stopped. "I could shoot him like a mad dog," he exploded. Torrance chuckled. "That's the spirit, lad. I was going to say that there's only one way to handle the bohunk: beat him down. . . . D'ye realise, Adrian, you haven't killed a single one yet?