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The Bailie then pulled me by the sleeve into a corner, and, after again cordially wishing me joy, proceeded, in rather an embarrassed tone "I wad heartily wish, Maister Francis, there suld be as little said as possible about the queer things we saw up yonder awa.

"He seemed rale agitatit when he brocht it in to me, but I cheered him up by tellin' him how ye wad dreel him wi' the besom-shank gin he waur to gang to the Black Bull i' the forenichts." "Gang to the Black Bull! what div ye mean, ye gomeril? Saunders I mean; ye ken weel that Maister Peden wadna gang to ony Black Bull."

A good piece steil is worth a penny. A shored Tree stands long. A gloved Cat was never a good Hunter. A gangan foot is ay getting, and it were but a thorn. All is not gold that glitters. Ane Swallow makes no summer. A man may spit on his hand, and doe full ill. An ill servant will never be a good maister. An hired Horse tired never. All the winning is in the first buying.

His reflections were interrupted by the appearance of a slovenly maid-servant, with a cotton handkerchief tied round her head, and an uncleaned sauce-pan in her hand. "Eh, Maister Bishopriggs," cried the girl, "here's a braw young leddy speerin' for ye by yer ain name at the door." "A leddy?" repeated Bishopriggs, with a look of virtuous disgust.

Mine own conscience pricks me at times over this bolstering up of a Papist to rule over a Protestant nation. Let like rule like, say I. At the 'lections I rode to Sudbury, and I put in my vote for Maister Evans, of Turnford, who was in favour o' the Exclusionists. Sure enough, if that same Bill had been carried, the Duke would be sitting on his father's throne. The law would have said yes.

"Maister MacPherson," said Malcolm, with an inclination of his head towards the gamekeeper, "micht ha' fun' a fitter neuk to fling that dirt intill. 'Deed, my lord, it's sae ridic'lous, it hardly angers me.

I should advise, Maister Warne, havin' a small tray in your room an' then attemptin' no mair than juist tae see Doctor Craig, when he cooms tae say gude nicht." She led her guests into a large, square, pleasant room, furnished with old mahogany. A cheery fire was burning in a fireplace. She opened a second door, and showed a connecting room, of lesser size but very attractive.

"If ye'd ha' married, d'ye see, maister," he said, "this caddle couldn't have happened to us."

Sandy used to remark that "the finest gowffer on the green was Maister Edward Blyth," and it was not until he had expressed this opinion with an almost wearying frequency that his hearers suspected that there was some connection between his choice and the fact, which he admitted one day, that "his auld claes fits me best." Apparently he had the measure of every player on the course.

Then some of them desired the Maister to commaund his men to cease and holde their handes, but hee answered that such was the courage of the English Nation in defence of their owne liues, that they would slay them and him also: and therefore it lay not in him to doe it.