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In five minutes he came back with the dog-cart and the gray mare. His riverince got up, with the aid of a chair, the little gossoon climbed up behind, and the gravel flew as the gray mare started. They wint a matter of ten rods and then I saw the lamps again. They had turned, and they stopped before the porch the gray mare on her haunches.

Carroll, "an' will he luk at his father or meself when his riverince is by? An' he'll follie him out an' beyant on that little pony of his." The Superintendent made no remark, but he kept quietly gathering information. In Perault's house it was the same. Perault, Josie, and Marion sang in harmony the praises of Shock.

Five times the next week did I go to the priest's house, to be read to, and be sprinkled, and have cloths put upon me, in order that the work of casting out the last divil, which it seems was stronger than all the rest, might be made smooth and aisy, and on the Saturday I came to have the last divil cast out, and found his riverince in full canonicals, seated in his aisy chair.

"It's Patsy, he's breakin' the heart av him, an' he wants to see you, and, your riverince, it's meself I want to " The voice broke down completely. "Come in, come in!" cried Shock, his tears flowing fast. "Come, Patsy, do you want to see me? Come on, old chap, I want you, too." He took the little cripple in his arms and held him tight while his tears fell upon Patsy's face and hands.

"I riverince the man, for there's few can beat him sober. Knocked Patsy into hospital an' him foightin' dhrunk! Faith, he must be another Oirish gintleman himself, indade." "He's a Scotchman and was middle-weight champion of India last year," rejoined Dam, and moistened his block of pipe-clay again in the most obvious, if least genteel, way.

'Phelim, I says, 'what ails you, you've a light hand whin you're sober. His riverince leaned over and whispered 'The oil cruet, Miss Molly, and don't let the gossoon see it, I wint in, came out with the cruet in a paper, and handed it to him. 'All right, Phelim, he says, and the gray mare started. At six in the mornin' I heard the gravel crunch, and I wint to the door.

"I greatly fear, yer riverince," said he, affecting the broadest Irish brogue, "y'ill have to phray a great deal yet afore you convart her from her resolution." "We must submit to the decree of the Lord in all that he has planned from the beginning of the world, Murty," said the parson, resignedly.

"'O, yer riverince, he's come back! was all that the boy could find breath to say for a moment; and Peter, who was rather irascible, took up the discourse at once. "'It's yourself that's come back in a fine plight, you graceless, rioting, fighting, thaving young scullion. Whose cottage have ye been skylarkin' round now? And where's the pig ye was sint for, at all, at all?

Fenton could save him from punishment if they chose. She pleaded piteously with Philip to have the prisoner set free. "He'll be all alone of me," she moaned. "That'll be more punishment than you're thinking, your riverince. He'll come out of jail sober, and he'll remember how he had me to do for him night and day these long years.

Ah was went pour l'amour de Père Honoré." "Damn yer lingo shpake English, I tell you." Antoine grinned and shook his head. "Wot yer givin' us about his Riverince, eh?" "Le Père Honoré, hein? Ah-h-h-rr, le bon Père Honoré! Attendez he tol' mah Ah was best non raconter mais, Ah raconte you, Shim " "Go ahead, Johnny Frog; let's hear."